Chapter 1537
Yu Zaizai slept comfortably all night, dreamless until dawn.

He didn't know that Yu Jinxiao couldn't sleep all night last night, he was on the phone all the time, and even his tone was tinged with a little impatience and fierceness.

When going out of the room in the morning, Xiao Douding staggered and rubbed her eyes, and said good morning to everyone, but when she saw Yu Jinxiao, she happily rushed over and hugged Baba's legs: "Baba~Fake Ann~"

Yu Jinxiao patted her on the head as a response, picked up the little glutinous rice balls and put them on the chair.

Aunt Chen made a rich breakfast today, Yu Yuanyuan raised her paws, everyone wants to eat a little.

"No, Yuanyuan, if you eat so much, you will spoil your stomach." Even Yu Mingxi, who is usually gentle, refused to agree.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at the things on the table, and calmly changed a portion of food to his own plate, then raised his eyes to look in the direction of Yu Yuanyuan: "Where do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat Jieli." Xiao Zai Zai stretched out his little finger, planning on the food.

The round and fleshy little hands are very cute, as if you bite down, you will bite out a mouthful of biscuit crumbs.

Yu Jinxiao cut a piece for her and put it in Yu Yuanyuan's exclusive pink bowl.

Happy Zai Zai ate his meal contentedly, his little face chubby with joy.

After eating this piece, Yu Yuanyuan began to think about other foods.

Yu Jinxiao still put them on his own plate one by one, let Yu Yuanyuan choose by herself, and then cut a piece of the place she chose for her to eat.

Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze who were also sitting at the dining table winked secretly.

Is this dad?
It's not right, it's not like the old father at all!
Could it be the father who turned into a monster?

"Father... what's the matter with you?" Yu Mingxi observed for a long time, and was encouraged by Yu Yingze in a low voice to speak.

Yu Jinxiao raised his eyes and looked in his direction, as if he took all this for granted: "It's nothing, what's the matter?"

"You usually don't allow Yuanyuan to eat too much." Yu Mingxi carefully observed the reaction on his father's face while eating breakfast.

After being pointed out that this rule that had been maintained in the past, Yu Jinxiao paused, and then smiled lightly: "It's better to be full, and you will have problems if you are hungry."

"Ba Ba said Mie Cuo~" Xiao Zai Zai rushed to flatter him.

Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze's eyes widened.

It's over, Dad is so strange! ! !
After breakfast, Yu Jinxiao sent Xiao Douding to school as usual, and also talked to Teacher Su about the arrangement of the teaching process after the leave.

Gu Beiyan, who arrived at the school later, passed by, and when he saw Yu Jinxiao, he immediately greeted him.

At this time, he heard the conversation between Yu Jinxiao and the teacher.

"How long will Yuanyuan be on leave?"

"Go on Thursday and go back to school next Thursday."

"Okay, I will organize the courses and send them to the mailbox."

"Thank you."

Gu Beiyan's whole body froze.

Ask for leave? !
Or please... please take so long! ! !
Gu Beiyan immediately rushed into the team to find Yu Yuanyuan, his voice became a little hoarse: "Yuanyuan, why did you ask for leave? Are you sick? Are you going to be hospitalized?"

Before he finished speaking, Chu Qi slapped Gu Beiyan's head hard: "Are you cursing Yuanyuan for being sick? Can you say something nice! Idiot!"

This palm made Gu Beiyan dizzy, and it took him a long time to find Yu Yuanyuan's direction.

"No, Yuanyuan is going to film a movie~" Xiao Zai Zai answered while shaking her hands.

"It's over, I also said that I will bring food for Yuanyuan tomorrow!" Gu Beiyan also looked disappointed, "I would have brought it today if I knew it!"

Xiao Zai Zai QAQ: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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