Chapter 1538
As soon as she heard that it was too late to eat the good Dengxi brought by Gu Beiyan, Yu Yuanyuan's whole cub was in a bad mood.

She twitched her fingers, with anticipation and curiosity on her face, and a little bit of disappointment in her eyes: "What does it look like? Is it delicious?"

"Delicious, very delicious! It was brought back by my second uncle from other places. It is thin, sweet, and crunchy in the mouth. It smells like sweet-scented osmanthus. It smells delicious. It smells delicious!" Gu Beiyan also regretted that Yu Yuanyuan couldn't eat it, the shelf life of this pastry was only three days, and he couldn't wait for Yu Yuanyuan to come back.

In order to let her feel the deliciousness of the pastry, he described the taste of the thing as clearly as possible, so that Xiao Zai Zai could eat it once without the real thing.

Yu Jinxiao has already talked with the teacher about asking for leave, and also explained that there may be one or two more leave in the future, all in a cycle of seven days, the specific situation depends on the progress of the filming after joining the group.

After finishing the business, Yu Jinxiao turned his head and saw the little boy who was about to drip out of his saliva.

Gu Beiyan was still describing the food vividly, but after talking for a long time, it was the golden cake, a specialty of Micheng!

The reason why it is called golden cake is actually made of sweet-scented osmanthus, but people don't call it sweet-scented sweet-scented cake.

It seems that naming a product with a name that is well-known to the public will appear to be tacky.

Their golden cake is mainly made of dried osmanthus powder and other ingredients. The outside is soft, but the inside is covered with sweet-scented osmanthus.

One product has two distinct tastes.

Moreover, what the Gu family can eat must be bought from the most famous pastry shop in Micheng. Everyone who goes there will want to bring two boxes to give to relatives and friends.

But their family is not something that can be bought with money. The production process of the century-old store is complicated, and no matter how high or low they are, they all need to queue up.

However, there is only a limited supply of 100 boxes per day, and they are often sold out early in the morning, and others can only return in dismay.

Just listening to Gu Beiyan's description of the taste, Yu Yuanyuan seemed to be taken away from her soul.

There was disappointment in the expectant little eyes, from Yu Jinxiao's point of view, he was actually a little pitiful.

"Want to eat?" Yu Jinxiao asked with his head buried.

Xiao Zaizai nodded, then shook his head again: "Yuanyuan won't come to school tomorrow, so I won't be able to eat it. Beiyan said that pastry won't last for a few days."

Although Yu Yuanyuan wanted to go straight to someone's house to eat after school, but she was too embarrassed to suggest this, and Yu Jinxiao would not agree!

How could Yu Jinxiao's daughter rush to someone's house just because of a box of food.

"If you want to eat, I'll buy it for you." Yu Jinxiao patted that disappointed little head with his big hand.

Upon hearing this, the dejected Xiao Zai Zai tried his best to cheer up: "Thank you Ba Ba~~"

Yu Jinxiao made arrangements for the follow-up, and watched Yu Yuanyuan enter the kindergarten.

A few little Doudings held hands and entered the classroom like a string of small beads.

Even after sitting on the seat, Gu Beiyan was still depressed, more depressed than the little boy who hadn't eaten the golden cake.

He dragged his chin with one hand, sullenly: "Yuanyuan, how long are you going to be filming?"

"Baba seems to have said it was seven days~"

"Seven days! It's been so long!" Gu Beiyan exclaimed, "Is it because the filming will be over after seven days, so there's no need to go?"

"Baba said that he may go there once or twice, and it will be seven days!"

If a person's life is counting down, then if he can't see Yuanyuan for so many days, he will lose a lot of memories related to Yuanyuan in his life! ! !

Gu Beiyan's whole body is not well, like a tire whose air core has been pulled out.

"You are so reluctant to part with Yuanyuan, then you go to filming too, so you can see her often." Chu Qi curled her lips, deliberately making fun of him.

This unintentional joke made Gu Beiyan enlightened, as if he had opened up the two veins of Ren and Du from top to bottom!

(End of this chapter)

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