The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1539 Is it the heroine

Chapter 1539 Is it the heroine

That's right!

Yuanyuan has started filming, and she will definitely become a starlet in the future!

If he also went to film, wouldn't he be able to be with Yuanyuan?
After this idea popped up in his simple mind, Gu Beiyan's eyes began to light up, and a foolish smile appeared on his face.

Chu Qi felt that his stupid face was a bit of an eyesore, so she immediately turned her head to look at the teacher obediently.

Thinking that Yuanyuan would not be able to come to school for seven days after today, Gu Beiyan gave Yu Yuanyuan all the cute snacks he got.

However, Yuanyuan Cub didn't care about anything just to eat.

She pushed back Gu Beiyan's snacks: "There is only one Beiyan, and Beiyan also eats duck~"

"I'm fine, I can still eat tomorrow, Yuanyuan, eat more!" Gu Beiyan said the dim sum and pushed it back.

The catering chefs in the kindergarten are very good. After all, most of the kindergartens are children of rich and famous people, and these small things must be absolutely perfect.

Their little snack today is freshly baked critter bread.

No matter in terms of baking, materials and shape, they are very particular.

Hearing Gu Beiyan's words, Yu Zaizai felt a little lost, and answered sullenly with his head down: "Yuanyuan hasn't seen Qiqi, Zifei and Beiyan for seven days, hey."

Gu Beiyan's heart was pinched hard.

How did he come last! !
But seeing Yuanyuan so sad, he didn't have the mood to ask other questions, so he simply picked up the bun shaped like a bunny and stuffed it into Yu Yuanyuan's mouth.

"Yuanyuan, eat quickly!"

Chu Qi watched from the side with black lines on the top of his head. Is this his way of expressing his reluctance?

"What role are you filming?" Wen Zifei asked curiously while eating bread.

"Ah, it's a younger sister!" Xiao Zaizai subconsciously took a bite of the bread that Gu Beiyan handed over, but his eyes looked in Wen Zifei's direction.

"Sister?" Wen Zifei raised his chin, and wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, "Is it the heroine?"

"Probably, maybe, maybe." Xiao Zaizai still has a vague idea of ​​the heroine, and only knows that he wants to play He Chen's younger sister.

As for the others...

The little brain doesn't understand at all!
What heroine and actor, anyway, she has a role!She can act!

Xiao Zai Zai, who was originally lacking in interest, couldn't help but look forward to and excited when he thought of filming.

"So reluctantly, is it a small cameo role?" Wen Zifei frowned, he couldn't hear the heroine's showing off in Yu Yuanyuan's answer.

If it's really the heroine, can you hold back until now without mentioning it?
Yu Yuanyuan's expression became dull: "..."

She seemed to have no idea what Wen Zifei wanted to ask.

However, as a cameo, she still babbled!There won't be too many cameo scenes, just like her guest appearance on the phone call between Brother He Chen and Ma Ma!
"No, it's much more than a cameo~ There are so many scripts~" Yu Yuanyuan gestured five fingers exaggeratedly, trying to show the thickness of the script.

Wen Zifei took a look, half-believed: "Is that the heroine? Really?"

Hearing his suspicious tone, Chu Qi glanced over coldly, Wen Zifei was so frightened that she dared not speak.

"Yuanyuan, you are amazing!" Chu Qi's expression changed, and she grabbed Yuanyuan's hand, "When the movie is ready to be watched in the theater, let's watch it together!"

"That's right! Let's go and watch together! I'm so looking forward to it!" Gu Beiyan changed his disappointment just now, and excitedly raised his arms and waved them.

Children's emotions can easily affect Yu Yuanyuan, and the frequency of peers is closer.

Xiao Zaizai, who was a little depressed because he was going to leave for seven days, is now looking forward to the time when the film is finished and everyone can see it.

(End of this chapter)

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