The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1540 What is Sunburn

Chapter 1540 What is Sunburn
When school was over in the afternoon, even though she was facing parting, Yu Yuanyuan was not sad.

Probably every child is looking forward to her new play, which leaves little Zai Zai no time to feel the sadness of a short parting.

Tomorrow is going to the desert, Shen Ji didn't give her some thoughtless content, but told Xiao Zai Zai some things to be careful in the desert.

Especially when you see insects such as scorpions and snakes, do not approach them, and ask nearby adults for help in time.

If you are bitten, or just see the above things and are not sure whether you have been bitten, you should go to Yu Cangnan to explain the situation in time.

Shen Ji was no less worried about this little glutinous rice ball than Yu Jinxiao.

When recording cute burst 1+1, no matter how hard the guests are, the logistics support and conditions are carefully selected, and there will be no difference.

But the desert...

The impact of climate and environment cannot be solved by simply solving it.

After the tutoring, he went downstairs, and Shen Ji saw He Shuxuan came back with a big box of things, and there was everything in it.

There are more than 30 children's sunscreens alone.

Mr. Yu is right to think about things comprehensively, but with so many things, how can Yuanyuan handle them?
"Mr. Yu, are these all Yuanyuan wants to take?" Shen Ji couldn't help asking.

Yu Jinxiao, who was sitting on the sofa, was signaling to Shuxuan to put the things on the ground, and he wanted to check everything by himself.

After a while, it looked like a department store had been set up on the ground. Yu Zaizai had never seen many things before, so he touched them curiously.

After he and Shuxuan were all arranged, Yu Zaizai raised his paw and pointed at one of the bottles: "Puba, what is Jie!"

"Sunscreen," Yu Jinxiao replied calmly, "the sun is so hot over there, if you don't apply this well, it will burn your skin."

"What kind of injury is a sunburn!" Yu Zaizai held his face in horror.

As long as it is an injury, there is a certain amount of fear in her heart.

"The sun there is very, very big. If Yuanyuan's hands and face are exposed outside, it is easy to be reddened by the sun, it will hurt, and it may even peel off." Shen Ji didn't want to scare her, but he hoped that Xiao Zai Zai drew attention, "So Yuan Yuan must protect herself well, this sunscreen is to protect Yuan Yuan!"

"Duck!" As soon as Xiao Zaizai heard it, he immediately picked it up and stared at it, "Then... what does it taste like?"

Yu Jinxiao was counting the things He Shuxuan brought, and answered absent-mindedly: "The one I chose is tasteless."

Xiao Tangyuan has a keen sense of smell, and if the fragrance is too strong, it may be a burden to her.

Although the so-called "odourless" of the product is not really tasteless, but at least it will be better than the fragrant one.

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan pouted her small mouth in disappointment, "If it has no taste, it's hard to eat!"

Yu Jinxiao: "?"

Shen Ji: "!!!"

Frightened by Yu Yuanyuan's words, Shen Ji pulled her closer, and seriously raised the sunscreen and emphasized: "Yuanyuan, this is for wiping your face, just like the slippery things you put on your face in winter, isn't it Eat! Absolutely not!"

It was rare to see brother Shen Ji so serious, Yu Zaizai was a little frightened.

"Eat...will it swell after eating?"

"You will be poisoned if you eat it!" Shen Ji said directly.

"Ah duck," Yu Yuanyuan hurriedly took two steps back, "Then... how about applying it on your face?"

"As long as you don't eat it in your mouth, you won't be poisoned. If you just apply it on your skin, it can protect Yuanyuan." Shen Ji was afraid that the little boy would make a mistake, so he put those sunscreens in a pile and emphasized again.

(End of this chapter)

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