Chapter 1541 A Hill

"Jiangzi! Then Yuanyuan will be careful not to eat it!" Yu Yuanyuan nodded with a serious face.

It can protect her and be poisonous at the same time, which makes her love and fear at the same time.

"I just said, food and food should be put in separate boxes of different colors," Yu Jinxiao's cold eyes glanced at He Shuxuan, "We still need to put labels on them, where are the boxes? Are you ready?"

"Get ready!" He Shuxuan bent slightly, and gestured to the car listening outside with his gaze.

As long as Yu Jinxiao personally counts the items clearly, He Shuxuan will classify and place the items according to "edible" and "not edible", and make a clear mark.

When it was time for the film crew, Yu Cangnan would arrange a female colleague to take care of Yuanyuan throughout the whole process. Even if a little boy couldn't understand what it was, it would be no problem for an adult to distinguish it clearly.

Yu Jinxiao can only believe that the person chosen by his second brother will not be so stupid that he doesn't even know the words.

"Well, there is no problem with the things, they can be sorted and packed." With just a glance, Yu Jinxiao quickly matched these details with all the lists kept in his heart, without calling out paper items to check.

Shen Ji was actually looking at it quietly, he really wanted to know how to arrange the follow-up, so as to put insurance in his heart.

Otherwise, he might have been worried about all kinds of details related to Yuanyuan.

But Yu Jinxiao is a person with a plan and a sense of proportion, Shen Ji felt that it would be too abrupt to ask too many other people's arrangements.

Even if he didn't say a word, Yu Jinxiao could feel an uncontrollable aura spreading from the figure standing over there.

It's like an encrypted call between smart people, only Yu Jinxiao can sense it.

Speaking of which there is a big age difference between them, Shen Ji could be his son at any age, but every time he saw Shen Ji, Yu Jinxiao couldn't associate him with an ordinary child.

Most of the time, Shen Ji has an aura that is the same as that of an adult, or even surpasses it.

Even though Yu Jinxiao didn't say anything, he always treated Shen Ji as an adult.

"These things will be sent to the studio, and Yuanyuan can't move them by herself." Yu Jinxiao, who saw through Shen Ji with a single glance, suddenly gave an explanation.

Shen Ji's tense face was startled, and he smiled relievedly: "Yes, Yuanyuan is so small, she can't hold it."

"Huh? Baba wants brother Shuxuan to carry Yuanyuan's luggage?" Xiao Zaizai raised his arm, which was about the same thickness as a small fried dough stick, and said, "Yuanyuan can carry it by herself!"

"It's not bad if you take care of yourself." Yu Jinxiao looked back without any fluctuation.

"Miss Yuanyuan, there are still a lot of things to bring." He Shuxuan smiled and pointed to the car outside the yard, "The car is full."

"Garrah!" Xiao Zai Zai was stunned by fright, and after a few seconds, his voice also subsided, "That's still... I'd better trouble brother Shuxuan, Yuanyuan can't hold the bird~"

Yu Jinxiao patted his little head: "You are really good at dragging your own suitcase."

very powerful...


After dinner, sending Shen Ji off, Yu Yuanyuan's mind still echoed the "powerful" that Baba said.

She didn't even care about playing with Dahua for a while, and immediately went upstairs, continuing to stuff the suitcase that had been spread out for two days and one night.

Yu Jinxiao briefly explained about his work, and planned to see what Yu Yuanyuan was doing.

The little guy who usually bluffs, seems to have returned to the bedroom after eating today, and he is very quiet, and no one has come to look for him.

open the door.

Yu Jinxiao saw a hill.

(End of this chapter)

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