The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1547 We Have a Ceremony

Chapter 1547 We Have a Ceremony
Xiao Zai Zai lay on the car window watching, his eyes widened with excitement.

Yu Jinxiao has seen many happy little cubs, but at this moment, she seems to have brighter eyes than before when she receives a cake or a gift.

Yu Jinxiao had never seen such a scenery before.

Who has nothing to do business and ran to the desert.

If it wasn't for the little glutinous rice balls, he might only see the sandy beach by the sea.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly remembered a fact that he didn't want to think about——

He seems to really seldom take Xiaotangyuan out on trips.

Just because she can still have fun at home all the time doesn't mean she doesn't need the company of her family and seeing the other side of the world.

Yu Jinxiao calmly said "Yes", quietly raised the phone and pressed the record button.

"Baba, Jieli is so good! The place where Yuanyuan first saw Jiangzi!"

"Wow, can you play sand? It's much, much, much, much, much bigger than the sandpit behind the house."

Yu Yuanyuan's happy and excited appearance was photographed, and Yu Jinxiao forwarded all of them to Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze.

In the past, he would never do these seemingly childish behaviors.

Recording a video... just thinking about it doesn't fit his noble and aloof image.

But now Yu Jinxiao is fearless.

He has missed too much time with Xiao Tangyuan, and he wants to record every minute and every second in the future.

However, he can't just focus on being with Xiaotangyuan and forget about his two sons.

Looking back on the days before, he seemed to have very little communication with his sons, and the intimacy and interaction between father and son was missing.

Yu Mingxi was also surprised when he received the video from his father.

In the past, my father would only call or text when he had something to do.

Never share these seemingly relaxed and unfocused daily life.

"Yuanyuan looks so happy, have you guys arrived yet?" Yu Mingxi replied the message while get out of class was over.

Yu Jinxiao also replied in seconds: "It's still on the way, but it's almost time for the crew."

After sending the text message, he raised his head.

Sure enough, Yu Jinxiao saw a small village protruding from the yellow sand.

Along with the village, he saw another huge sign, "The End of Homecoming".

I don't know why, but Yu Jinxiao thinks that the name of the second brother's movie is strange, and it doesn't seem very auspicious.

There are residents nearby, and there are signal towers laid by the state. When we arrived at the film crew, the mobile phone signal was restored to full capacity.

When Yu Cangnan heard that Yu Jinxiao had arrived, he suspended all filming and came out to greet him in person.

But it was not so quick for him to let go of what he was filming, so Yu Jinxiao simply took Yu Yuanyuan out to get used to it.

The temperature was still hot, and he could even feel Yu Yuanyuan's little brow wrinkling together after getting out of the car.

"Wow!" Xiao Zai Zai found a perfect angle, and opened his short arms facing the yellow beauty, "Xu Sha, hello~~ Yuanyuan is here~~~~ Puff!"

Just as he finished yelling, a gust of wind blew up, blowing sand from Yu Yuanyuan's mouth.

"Woo." Xiao Zai Zai vomited for a long time before finally spitting out all the sand in his mouth.

Yu Jinxiao folded his hands and looked behind, he really wanted to say that the desert probably doesn't welcome such a noisy little Douding.

He Shuxuan immediately rinsed Yu Yuanyuan's mouth with water.

"Jin Xiao! Yuanyuan!" Yu Cangnan's excited voice came from behind.

Those who came with him should be people from the production team, they are mighty, and He Chen is among them.

"Second Uncle~ Delicious Brother~ Big... Howl everyone!" There were too many people, Yu Yuanyuan could only pick two familiar ones to say hello first, and "take care" of the rest.

Yu Cangnan walked up to him, suddenly remembered something, and smiled embarrassedly: "You can't use salutes here, in order to welcome Yuanyuan...we have a ceremony."

"What ceremony duck!" Xiao Zai Zai just opened his mouth wide to ask, and sucked a handful of sand from the top into his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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