The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1548 Musty Smell

Chapter 1548 Musty Smell

After Yu Jinxiao saw Yu Cangnan's "ceremony", he originally wanted to pull the little glutinous rice balls away.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, Yu Cangnan quickly sprinkled a handful of yellow sand in his hand on Yu Yuanyuan's head.

In fact, if Xiao Tangyuan didn't speak, it wouldn't be so tragic.

The yellow sand is very soft, and it hangs on the hair and shakes, and it disappears soon.

This can be regarded as a reluctant welcome ceremony with limited conditions.

But the frequency of Yu Yuanyuan's talking earned her the price of Yu Cangnan's throwing sand, that's all...

When the sand slid down, Yu Yuanyuan took another mouthful of sand with his wide-open mouth.

"Puff puff puff..." Yu Yuanyuan vomited for a long time before spitting out the sand in her mouth.

Although she loves to eat, she doesn't like to eat such strange things.

"I'm sorry Yuanyuan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Yu Cangnan was in a hurry, and He Chen was busy passing water beside him.

The water source in the desert is precious. The water they use is brought in by car, and the bottled mineral water they drink is all bottled mineral water. The garbage will be pulled back by the transporter and regarded as recycling.

Environmental protection is an issue that modern people attach great importance to. Yu Cangnan is very supportive and sets an example.

In fact, Yu Cangnan is not very good at these fancy welcome ceremonies.

Everyone in his team knew that Yu Cangnan was not good at words and was kind to others, but he didn't know how to play fake tricks.

But Yu Yuanyuan is different.

Yu Yuanyuan was a young actor whom he hired with great difficulty, and after several mood changes, seeing her appear in front of him, Yu Cangnan was so excited that he wanted to hug her and cry.

Not every young actor is willing to film in a difficult environment.

However, Yu Yuanyuan agreed.

Although it is very likely that she did not understand what the desert environment was like before she made such a decision.

After spitting out the sand in his mouth, Yu Zaizai still felt itchy on his head.

She was neither angry nor noisy, and suddenly squatted down, flicking her hair like a little ball.

Very good, get rid of the rustle!

"Thank you everyone~~" Yu Zaizai raised his arms again, smiling like a lucky cat.

Disturbed by this embarrassing atmosphere, all the crew members stood like statues, embarrassed to laugh.

After Yu Yuanyuan broke the current atmosphere, everyone clapped their hands happily and cheered again.

"Yuanyuan, I brought you chocolate. It has a filling, and the filling is rose-flavored. Do you know what rose flavor is?" He Chen immediately squatted down and chatted with Yu Yuanyuan about food.

"Moldy smell!" Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widened in shock, "Is it bad luck if you eat it? Yuanyuan dare not eat it!"

Even lucky cubs will feel unlucky and terrible.

When He Chen heard this, he almost laughed out loud, and walked away holding Yu Yuanyuan's hand: "It's a rose, a rose, does Yuanyuan know about roses?"

"Hey, is Fafa still edible?" Yu Zaizai opened up a new world.

"Of course, many flowers can be eaten, and it's a good time to relieve boredom!"

Yu Cangnan took Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan to see where their staff and actors lived.

The temporary prefabricated house looks dilapidated, but it is already in good condition.

With solar panels, you can barely enjoy a little fan and air conditioning.

But not every room can have this treatment.

Basically, each project team is assigned to an air-conditioned room, and everyone takes turns to sleep. This is the only way.

The rest barely survived with fans.

Anyway, it was cold at night, and not many people went to sleep during the day, usually the staff responsible for the night show were on shift to rest.

"We arranged this room for Yuanyuan," Yu Cangnan used an exaggerated tone to emphasize his best efforts before opening the door, "There is an air conditioner and a bed!"

Yu Jinxiao didn't even go in, and after taking a look, his face sank: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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