The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1563 It's Xianye Years Old!

Chapter 1563 It's Xianye Years Old!

Yu Cangnan nodded and began to think about the problem.

When Yu Yuanyuan and Zhan Ming were distracted, he deliberately took the opportunity to ask, "How old is Yuanyuan?"

This is easy!During the chat just now, Yu Yuanyuan introduced herself.

"Three and a half years old." Zhan Ming replied confidently, as long as it was something he had heard, he would not forget it easily.

"The answer is correct!" Xiao Zai Zai rushed to raise his claws to emphasize.

Yu Cangnan nodded in satisfaction, and signaled them to prepare for the second question.

"What's Yuanyuan's favorite food?"

"Grass... Strawberry Cake." Zhan Ming thought about Yu Yuanyuan's many options before, and even she didn't know what her favorite was, so he could only choose one answer.

"That's right, strawberry cake~" Xiao Zai Zai declared that it was correct as soon as he heard the answer.

Yu Cangnan felt that the two of them seemed to be in a better condition than before, and they couldn't say they got much closer, but at least they had a certain understanding of each other.

"Now it's Yuanyuan's turn to answer the question!"

Xiao Zai Zai is full of confidence: "I'm ready!"

"How old is Uncle Zhan Ming?" As soon as Yu Cangnan finished speaking, Xiao Zai Zai's eyes became confused.

Just now, she was patronizing to share food, and she and Zhan Susu were caught by the second uncle before they could exchange his information urgently!
Zhan Ming's heart shrank, and as he looked at the shooting scene not far away, his heartbeat also accelerated.

If Yu Yuanyuan didn't answer correctly, will they be asked to continue to "connect with each other" and the filming will be postponed again?

The little brain quickly recalled, stammered and used cute little syllables to delay time, and finally choked out a sentence: "Xianshi (thirty)... how old is Xianshi (thirty)!"

Zhan Ming wanted to laugh when he heard it, this little milk voice was too joyful.

Yu Cangnan actually understood what she said, and continued to ask: "Then is it more than thirty?"

"Yuanyuan doesn't remember..." Xiao Zai Zai replied weakly, "I only remember being a fairy."

Even the thirties were heard from He Chen, and she and Zhan Ming had never exchanged this topic at all.

"Yuanyuan, if you don't answer correctly, you have to do it all over again." Yu Cangnan deliberately threatened her.

In fact, this is also putting invisible pressure on Zhan Ming, so that he can communicate more consciously with Yuanyuan in the future.

Zhan Ming was terrified, afraid that Yu Yuanyuan would affect the progress of the filming, so he quietly drew a "2" by his leg, 32!
Although this little potato is young, he should be able to understand numbers, right?

Unavoidable that Yu Yuanyuan ignored it, Zhan Ming deliberately touched her with his arm, motioning her to look at his fingers.

Unexpectedly, this little potato stared at his hand and took a quick glance, then turned back confidently and pointed two fleshy fingers at Yu Cangnan: "It's Xianye Sui!"

It's so easy, just two fingers!
It's hard to be round, hum.

Yu Zaizai proudly put his hips on his hips, as if he was waiting for his second uncle's praise.

The surrounding air suddenly became weird, and Xiao Zai Zai was still wondering why no one praised him, so he raised his head and looked left and right.

Yu Cangnan covered his face and waited for a long time, his little heart was almost cut to death.

He saw Zhan Ming gesturing for the answer to Yu Yuanyuan, and was about to stop him, only to realize that he was worrying too much...

Cub Yuanyuan can avoid the correct answer so smoothly.

"What's three years old, that's not it!" Zhan Ming couldn't laugh, and raised his voice expressionlessly.

The little brain reacted quickly, and finally connected to the correct frequency: "That's Xian Ten... Xian... Ten Goose Years!"

(End of this chapter)

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