The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1564 I'm so shocked

Chapter 1564 I'm so shocked

Ah duck, how did she forget that the gesture is also a number!
Xiao Zai Zai sneaked a guilty glance at Yu Cangnan's direction, although the answer has been revised, she should be right.

Zhan Ming seems to be playing some tense game, his heart is beating fast, whether he can start filming his scenes smoothly tonight is all bet on this little potato.

When she gave the answer, Zhan Ming emphasized with some excitement: "That's right, it's 32! She got it right!"

"Wow, that's great!" Yu Yuanyuan danced with excitement.

The two people who didn't have any tacit understanding at first started to cooperate with each other invisibly when faced with the same matter that required cooperation.

"Then let me ask the last one." Yu Cangnan smiled maliciously, "What do Zhan Susu hate to eat?"

This question made Zhan Ming's heart tremble.

Can it be so difficult? ?It's a bit over the top!
How does this little potato know what he hates to eat?
"Zhan Ming, write the answer in the phone first, and then Yuanyuan will guess," Yu Cangnan smiled charmingly, "This way, you can't cheat."

Zhan Ming turned on his phone and nervously wrote down an answer in the memo.

Yu Yuanyuan's face was dazed, and he thought helplessly for a long time, his small eyes quietly glanced in Zhan Ming's direction.

Yu Cangnan deliberately squeezed between them to block that pitiful little gaze.

"You can't cheat!"


Xiao Zai Zai pretended to be thinking for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he raised his claws: "Zhan Susu hates eating bitter melon!"

"Is this the answer Yuanyuan guessed?" Yu Cangnan really wanted to laugh.

"Yes... it's the answer given by Yuanyuan!" Xiao Zaizai wanted to correct the word "guess".

Yu Cangnan looked at Zhan Ming and motioned him to show the answer.

Unexpectedly, when I turned on the phone, Zhan Ming wrote "coriander".

Cub Zai Zai's eyes were enlarged, and he was stunned!
Doesn't Zhan Susu hate bitter melon?Why is unpalatable food not the food he hates the most?
"Bitter melon is delicious," Zhan Ming sighed helplessly, his whole body was shrouded in gloom, "Why do you judge me by something you don't like to eat?"

What!Bitter melon is delicious!
Zhan Ming watched helplessly as Yu Zaizai showed sincere admiration to him.

It was... so shocking.

Yu Cangnan kindly gave them another chance, and it was also the last chance.

"What's Zhan Ming's favorite thing to do?"

This answer can be easily answered by others, but if it is Yu Yuanyuan who has not communicated much, I am afraid it will be over again.

Just when Zhan Ming was making a draft in his heart and was about to have a good talk with Yu Cangnan, that little potato suddenly gave the answer.

"It's filming!"

"Huh? Why filming?" Yu Cangnan asked knowingly, just to make Xiao Yuanyuan shake and revise the answer.

His son is getting older, and he doesn't stick to him very much, Yu Cangnan hasn't experienced the joy of teasing children for a long time.

Moreover, teasing Yuanyuan is different from teasing other children, it is very interesting!

"Yuanyuan just chirped~hehe~" Xiao Zaizai firmly believed in his answer, and had no intention of modifying it.

Seeing that she wasn't fooled, Yu Cangnan nodded, "Very good, the answer is correct! Zhan Ming is ready to shoot you later."

"Okay!" Zhan Ming nodded excitedly, and the previously tense muscles finally relaxed.

After Yu Cangnan left, he slapped Xiao Zai Zai with his wrist.

"How do you know my favorite thing is filming?"

Yu Yuanyuan also followed behind his ass, as if she wanted to go to the set to join in the fun: "Because Zhan Susu, you acted very well, and... if you don't like filming, why did you come to the set?"

(End of this chapter)

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