Chapter 1565 Zhanyi

The child's unintentional and innocent words, like a series of gentle footsteps, stepped on Zhan Ming's heart without warning.

It is impossible for a little friend who is only three and a half years old to design his own words.

But her remarks are even worth sipping tea.

Zhan Ming looked up at the shooting scene.

Those lighting engineers, photographers, actors... are they really standing here because they love this job?

In fact, not all.

In the eyes of a little friend like Yu Yuanyuan, some things become much easier, and the things he doesn't like are not coming to this place where the conditions are very difficult.

It's not something I like, so I won't act so well.

Zhan Ming's heart was pounding, as if a child picked up something that he had never thought about carefully.

Involuntarily, his gaze fell to the chubby little figure at his feet.

What about her?
Since she has such an idea, did she come to film because she likes it?

Zhan Ming suddenly didn't dare to make a conclusion on this little ball.

Getting ready for re-makeup and changing clothes, He Chen's personal part just finished filming over there, and now it's the turn of He Chen and Zhan Ming's rival scene.

The emotions in this scene are not so extroverted, and more of the small emotions that are suppressed in the heart, but the difficulty is even higher.

It is necessary to act with restraint and let the audience understand the mood of the character at the moment.

There is no problem with Zhan Ming acting in these small details, but He Chen is a little nervous.

Since the filming started, he and Zhan Ming have not played many scenes against each other. Before each filming, Zhan Ming will take the initiative to communicate with him on how to act.

He Chen knew that Zhan Ming was the famous Zhan Yi, and many scenes were passed by one.

but he……

He Shen knew that his acting skills were not enough to meet this requirement, every time he acted with Zhan Ming, he was full of anticipation and nervousness.

"Brother Delicious~ Are you going to film with Zhan Susu?" Yu Yuanyuan took advantage of the staff to touch up her makeup, and went up to chat with He Chen.

He Chen patted the head beside him, feeling a little more relaxed: "Yeah, I'm a little nervous."

"Don't be nervous~ Zhan Susu looks very powerful!" Xiao Zai Zai nodded solemnly.

He Chen smiled wryly.

It was because Zhan Ming was so powerful that he was nervous, fearing that he would be held back and scolded.

Everyone in the circle knows that there is an actress who can't cry when she is filming. No matter how patiently Zhan Ming guides and teaches her a dozen times, her performance is still fragmented. hot search.

He Chen didn't want to be that irreparable mud.

"Okay, all units are ready!" Yu Cangnan sat beside the monitor, holding up the rolled up script in his hand, "action!"

"You take Tingting back now... and..." Zhan Ming immediately seemed to be a different person in front of the camera, entering the scene very quickly, "Can it be the same as what you said before?"

This is where Zhan Ming learned that Yuan Siyi (He Shen)'s parents had passed away, and worried that after Zhong Tingting was handed over to him to take away, the situation of the Zhong family would no longer be able to give her daughter better living conditions as promised before.

"It took some money to treat the illness before, but it's okay." He Chen nodded sadly, "Don't worry."


Yu Cangnan stopped the filming and signaled He Chen and Zhan Ming to go there together.

He thinks there should be more than just a sad expression, but more of a complex emotion.

Because He Chen had never gotten along with this younger sister before, and had no relationship foundation, and it was entirely based on his mother's last wish to pick up his younger sister home.

And after his younger sister returned home with him, he needed him to take care of his younger sister with the inheritance left by his parents.

His mood is actually very complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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