The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1566 The Tone of Settling Accounts

Chapter 1566 The Tone of Settling Accounts

When facing Zhong Hao (Zhan Ming), Yuan Siyi (He Shen)’s sadness should not be the big head, but self-doubt about his ability to take good care of his sister, but due to his mother’s "last wish", he could only force himself Scalp and say no problem.

Only in this way will there be the next plot.

Zhong Hao (Zhan Ming) sees through the meaning in Yuan Siyi's (He Shen) expression, and begins to worry about whether he should let his daughter return to the original family.

It is a completely different process to figure out and interpret the characters' psychology.

If you figure it out well, you may not be able to act it out.

He Chen did know what kind of emotions his character had, but the acting didn't seem to be accurate enough.

I thought Zhan Ming would be upset, but he patted He Chen on the shoulder. The first sentence was to tell him not to be nervous, and then based on his own experience, he talked about some more practical ways of acting, such as how to mobilize facial muscles and eyes. , the design of small details, and how to use imagination to mobilize similar emotions to achieve the desired deductive effect.

As if taking a class full of knowledge, He Chen quickly found the feeling.

The filming started again, He Chen took advantage of Zhan Mingjiao's content, and managed to get Yu Cangnan to praise him after shooting 3 consecutive shots.

"Very good! Pass this!" Yu Cangnan was so excited that he clapped his hands.

He is aware of the progress of every actor, not to mention that He Chen is the one he personally selected.

Seeing his progress, Yu Cangnan was also the happiest one.

"Brother Yummy is great!!!" There was a clapping sound from Yu Yuanyuan beside him.

Yu Cangnan suddenly thought of something, looked down at the phone: "Yuanyuan, it's getting late, you should go to bed."

"Yeah, Yuanyuan wants to watch it for a while longer." Xiao Zai Zai suggested.

"No, your father said that as long as there is no play, he will supervise you to go to bed early." Yu Cangnan suddenly thought of something, and pointed to her children's watch, "By the way, have you called your father and brother to report that you are safe? "

"Ah, Yuanyuan forgot!" As if hearing a bang, Xiao Zaizai immediately raised his phone watch to find the dialed number.

The little finger was proficient and fast, and found a slightly quieter corner to dial.

Opposite seconds to pick up.

"Baba~~" Yu Yuanyuan's voice suddenly rose, and she knew she was very happy, "Yuanyuan is fine~~"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

If he hadn't been familiar with her logic, it would have been difficult for him to know that "it's okay" meant that she was safe.

"Well, what are you doing? Why haven't you slept yet?"

"I'm watching Erbo filming, it's so interesting!" Yu Yuanyuan's voice sounded like she was excited when she received a new gift, "Baba, why are you still awake~"

"I've never slept at this hour," Yu Jinxiao's voice sounded calm, as if he was just listening to his subordinate's report, "Why don't you sleep? Is no one taking care of you?"

Hearing Ba Ba's tone of settlement, Xiao Zai Zai shook his body, and replied: "Yuanyuan will send a telegram to my brother again, and I will report you. Baba...good night! Bye!"

Yu Jinxiao originally wanted to ask about her situation in the film crew, but she didn't expect this little glutinous rice ball to hang up so quickly.

After calling Yu Mingxi, Yu Zaizai made a special call to Shen Ji, and the two chatted for almost half an hour.

Chatting and chatting, Yu Zaizai had already walked near the RV, and suddenly felt that the light in front of him was firmly blocked by a moving figure.

(End of this chapter)

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