The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1567 Get out of a tunnel

Chapter 1567 Get out of a tunnel

Yu Yuanyuan fell silent while talking.

Lifting her head, she saw that standing in front of her was Susu, a bodyguard sent by Baba who was always sitting in the cab of the caravan.

"Miss Yuanyuan, Mr. Yu said it's time for you to go to bed," the man said with a cold face expressionless, and called Xiao Ran over, "It's getting late."

Shen Ji on the other end of the phone heard the urging, and found an excuse to say goodbye to Yuanyuan reluctantly.

It was the first time she joined the film crew, and many interesting things happened again, Yu Yuanyuan really wanted to share all of them with Shen Ji.

But, it's time to tell!

"Okay, Yuanyuan will go to bed right away," Xiao Zaizai hung up the phone, stood up a little frustrated, "Yuanyuan will be obedient."

The chubby figure walked a few steps, then suddenly stopped and turned to look at the bodyguard Susu who was staring at him.

"Susu, what's your name, Duck?"

The bodyguard was taken aback, and replied, "Wei Yi."

"Ah, hey Susu, good night!" The little cub waved his paw obediently.

"Yuanyuan, you need to rest well and sleep well, so that you will be able to be active for filming tomorrow." Xiao Ran took the opportunity to touch the little head next to her, seeming to comfort her gently and patiently, but screamed silently in her heart.

The fluffy feel and the round head are so easy to touch! ! !
If she hadn't been Yu Cangnan's assistant, she wouldn't have had such a precious opportunity!
Countless people on the Internet can't wait to touch Yuanyuan's little head, but they have no chance, but she!Got it!

"Okay~" Xiao Zai Zai was no longer frustrated, and obediently nodded his head and returned to the RV.

Because she has to take care of Yu Yuanyuan, even Xiao Ran doesn't have to work anymore, and can accompany Xiao Zai Zai back to the RV to wash and sleep early.

Compared with her own room, the RV was as comfortable as a five-star hotel.

The temperature in the RV is automatically adjusted, and the basic warmth mode is turned on when the weather turns cold after nightfall.

When Yu Yuanyuan and Xiao Ran entered, just the right amount of warmth enveloped the cold body.

Xiao Ran washed Yu Yuanyuan well, changed into her pajamas, and wrapped her small body in the quilt like a swollen silkworm chrysalis.

The cute scene in front of her made Xiao Ran want to take a photo.

It's a pity that Yuanyuan hasn't fallen asleep yet.

"Sister, good night~" Yu Zaizai blinked her big energetic eyes, "Sister is going to bed too?"

"Yes, sister sleeps with Yuanyuan."

Xiao Ran's bed and Yu Yuanyuan's bed just happened to be slightly misaligned, and Xiao Ran's bed was a little closer to the door, so that she would go to the bathroom at night without waking up Yu Yuanyuan.

The moment he lay down, Xiao Ran couldn't help sighing that rich people can do whatever they want.

She buried her head in the quilt, fearing that it would affect Yu Yuanyuan, she quietly put on her earphones and swiped her phone.

"Yuanyuan is sleeping next to me!!" Xiao Ran excitedly sent a message to a friend.

"Damn it, really? You're in charge of taking care of her?"

"Yes, the Yu family is really rich!"

Xiao Ran was chatting enthusiastically when he suddenly felt a soft noise outside.

Huh?Yuanyuan woke up?

She took off the earphones, pulled back the quilt and took a look, but she didn't find that Xiao Zai Zai got out of bed.


Xiao Ran found a strange situation.

Just now she wrapped Yu Yuanyuan in the quilt with her own hands, the length of that small body is only so small, it looks like a small silkworm chrysalis.

But now, the arched part of the bed has been elongated a lot, as if the person lying underneath is not a child but a... adult!
Xiao Ran's head boomed, and he was too scared to speak.

Even if Yu Yuanyuan didn't sleep well, she wouldn't get out of a tunnel so soon!
(End of this chapter)

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