The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1570 Her So-Called Remembering

Chapter 1570 Her So-Called Remembering
Yu Yuanyuan, who tasted the aroma, took another bite in place, and finally got the meat stuffing.

The most unpretentious meat filling, with a little chives added, the fat is even, the salty taste is just right, not too greasy or too thin to clog your teeth.

After eating, there is a hint of extremely fragrant oily taste in the mouth, and the next bite is on the fluffy dough, which immediately absorbs the excess oil, leaving just the right taste in the mouth.

Yu Yuanyuan seldom eats steamed stuffed buns at home, after such a few mouthfuls, it almost made her so fragrant that she could fly.

"Woooooo..." Xiao Zaizai suddenly started humming while holding the bun.

The chef was taken aback, leaned over and asked, "What's wrong? Isn't it delicious?"

"Nope," Xiao Zaizai squinted his eyes, chewing, "Knocking the level is delicious! Knocking the level is delicious!"

Receiving Yu Yuanyuan's vigorous praise, the chef straightened his back unconsciously, thinking that he was pretty good.

Yu Jinxiao's daughter must be used to delicacies from mountains and seas, and she is full of praise for his steamed stuffed buns. Heh, this is his family's handicraft!

Two steamed buns were easy for Yu Yuanyuan, and it didn't take long for her to eat the steamed stuffed buns like a hamster, finished the porridge, and didn't even have a side dish left.

The full little cub rubbed his stomach, his little face was very satisfied.

Yu Cangnan woke up after filming all night last night, wanting to find something to eat.

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan's happy face, he couldn't help but want to tease him: "Yuanyuan, how's it going, do you still like the food?"

"Porridge, porridge~" Yu Zaizai nodded his head like a little doll.

When the chef heard it, he thought she was asking for porridge, and immediately went to serve another bowl respectfully.

Fortunately, He Chen stopped it first: "She said she likes it."

"Then you can go to make up first after eating, and you will start shooting Yuanyuan's scene later, He Chen, you also take her to get used to it."

Yu Cangnan intentionally let Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen get in touch with each other more, after all, they are brothers and sisters with a huge age difference in the play, so what if they don't cultivate some affection and tacit understanding.

Although, it seems that it is in place without deliberately cultivating it.

He Chen led Yu Yuanyuan to the dressing room together, and both of them had to change clothes and put on makeup.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered, Zhan Ming sat there earlier than them.

You must know that Zhan Ming was the last one to shoot the scene last night, and he was the one who got up the earliest!

"Brother Ming, good morning." He Chen greeted senior politely.

Zhan Ming said "um", "Morning."

"Zhansusuzao~~" Yu Yuanyuan's voice was even louder, with a kind of freedom and freedom that was different from He Chen's.

In her opinion, there is nothing to be afraid of, just say hello to someone she knows.

Even if he was sitting with Zhan Ming and putting on makeup, He Chen could feel the terrible air pressure on his body. Before the filming started, he was already worried about his hind legs... oh no, worried about pulling his hind legs.

"Yuanyuan, have you memorized your lines?" He Chen simply found something to chat, trying to ease the atmosphere.

"Yuanyuan and Mama read the script before, so I probably remember~" Yu Yuanyuan actually didn't remember at all.

Her so-called memory is "we are here to film" and only remembers the level of "I film".

As soon as Zhan Ming heard it, his expression sank: "If you can't even remember the lines, you have to start filming. Isn't it a waste of everyone's time?"

The make-up artist accidentally kicked the empty chair next to it, and the three people's make-up room suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

Even He Chen didn't know what to say.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan was not frightened at all, and she shook her little Yuanpaw confidently: "Then... Susu was able to memorize so many things when Yuanyuanjie was so young!"

Zhan Ming: "..." An upright actor who doesn't like lying fell silent for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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