The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1571 Dirty Little Pot Friend

Chapter 1571 Dirty Little Pot Friend
It is really inappropriate to set too high standards for three-year-old children.

However, it is clearly an 11-year-old little friend!

If I didn't change the script at the beginning, wouldn't there be no unnecessary troubles?

In Zhan Ming's heart, he still felt that Yu Jinxiao had interfered in this role, so he was forced to give it to Yu Yuanyuan and revised the script.

But he really couldn't refute Yu Yuanyuan's words, silence is the best solution.

The poor dressing room is in such a low pressure, and the three of them are groomed, and they almost suffocate to death in the dressing room.

It wasn't until Yin Hui appeared that the atmosphere changed a little.

"Morning!" Yin Hui greeted everyone with a smile.

"Morning sister~~" Yu Zaizai raised his round paw.

"Yeah, Yuanyuan is early~ Yuanyuan has been putting on makeup so early, so cute~" Yin Hui is not married and has no daughter, but she likes children very much.

Yesterday, because of filming, I didn't have a chance to get in touch with Yu Yuanyuan. Today, when I saw Xiao Douding obediently nesting on the chair, my eyes almost burst into tears.

"Hey hey~" Xiao Zai Zai shook his little toes and smiled embarrassedly.

Zhan Ming's eyes widened in disbelief.

and many more.

Yin Hui is about the same age as him, why is that little potato called sister Yin Hui and uncle? ?

Is he looking too old? !

As a talented actor, appearance is not what Zhan Ming values ​​most, but it's not what he doesn't value either!
It was just a little bit short, and he wanted to ask Yu Yuanyuan to understand.

Fortunately, reason prevented him from doing this. If he asked this question in front of He Chen and Yin Hui, what if he got a very embarrassing answer?
Yu Yuanyuan's character has been exposed to high-intensity ultraviolet rays for a long time, and her skin cannot be as white as she used to be. The stylist needs to paint her skin color a little darker, and also create a "rough" effect, so that Yu Yuanyuan can see It sounds more like a native here.

When the make-up was over, He Chen was a little shocked, where did that little white ball go? !
The current Yu Yuanyuan is exactly like the people who grew up here, with dark skin, two braids, and a little messy hair.

The clothes on his body were also specially prepared by Yu Cangnan, they were a bit dirty, and there was a lot of dust that was difficult to remove.

When Yu Yuanyuan's make-up was finished, the white and clean little ball changed completely.

"Yuanyuan wants to see~" Xiao Zaizai ran to the mirror, looked at the completely different postage table inside, and stretched out a little finger in shock, "Wow, Yuanyuan doesn't even recognize the postage table! "

As she said that, she wanted to touch her face, curious about the dark skin.

"Yuanyuan, don't touch it, if it fades, you have to touch it up~" the makeup artist hurriedly stopped her.

Yu Yuanyuan's little finger retracted immediately, and she found a phone and watch from her pocket and gave it to He Chen: "Brother delicious~ Can you take a picture of Yuanyuan?"

"Okay." He Chen snapped several photos of the little cub who was posing.

Xiao Zai Zai thanked him, took the children's watch, and sent the photos to Yu Jinxiao all at once.

Yu Jinxiao's cell phone beeped seven times in a row while having breakfast, making the bodyguards around him startled.

He opened it, and what he received were seven little pot friends that looked dirty.

Yu Jinxiao frowned suspiciously, looked up at the person who sent the message——

Wait, is this a small glutinous rice ball? !
In the photo, Xiao Qiuqiu's skin has turned black, she is wearing clothes that look old, and her hair is also fluffy with some short hairs.

(End of this chapter)

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