The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1585 Watching Your Performance

Chapter 1585 Watching Your Performance


"What is Yuanyuan going to play?"

"The current scene is that Dad is talking to brother, Yuanyuan, think about how you will behave?"

Yu Cangnan didn't want to trap the children's thinking.

He is an adult, and the picture he can imagine in his mind may be just a scene rationalized by an adult, not necessarily the true reflection of a child.

Why not ask Yuanyuan to imagine such an environment and give it a try?
Anyway, when it comes to filming, you have to be patient and try a lot to find the best performance.

Under Yu Cangnan's guidance, Yu Zaizai returned to where he was supposed to stand in a daze.

He Chen was a little nervous, after all he would have a lot of lines next.

The two met "for the first time", said some polite words, and then planned to talk about Zhong Tingting's arrangement.

During this period, Yu Yuanyuan didn't know what to do, so she was lazily like Ting Baba chatting with her brother in the usual way, touching her paws by the sofa, looking up from time to time to listen carefully for two seconds, and absent-mindedly playing with all the playable things around her.

Even the tassels on the sofa cover were accidentally torn off by her.

Xiao Zaizai was so frightened that his heart shrank, and he turned his head to look at "Baba" and "Mama" beside him with a guilty conscience. Seeing that no one was staring at him, he quietly hid the few tassels in his claws in his pocket .

Zhong Hao (Zhan Ming) motioned Li Hongran (Yin Hui) to take the child away so they could talk alone.

Yu Yuanyuan, a cub who was in a daze beside the sofa, was suddenly picked up.

Didn't you mention it before?Where are you going to hug Yuanyuan? !

Yu Yuanyuan's eyes were confused, she turned her head and lay on Yin Hui's shoulder, staring in Zhan Ming's direction all the time.

When the two of them appeared on the scene, Yu Cangnan called Ka.

"How is it?" Zhan Ming is ready to take a few more pictures.

Yu Cangnan smiled without saying a word, and turned the monitoring screen to show them.

In the camera, Yu Yuanyuan is free to play, her movements and reactions are very natural, those small details that seem to be designed are actually her instinctive emotional changes.

In particular, her small gesture of putting the tassel that she accidentally pulled off into her pocket caused people around to cover their mouths and laugh.

"Not bad." Zhan Ming nodded.

"What kind of duck, what kind of duck!" Xiao Zaizai, who couldn't squeeze in, tried to squeeze his head into the gap.

"Yuanyuan, you did a good job in that one just now," Zhan Ming patted Yu Yuanyuan's head casually, but turned his eyes to He Chen, "He Chen seems to have a problem with his lines."

Hearing that he was called by name, He Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately leaned over to take a serious look.

Even Yuanyuan was praised by Zhan Ming, and He Chen felt deeply ashamed.

Fortunately, Yuanyuan had a separate close-up just now, and that very interesting performance can be preserved.

Hearing that he was praised, Xiao Zai Zai was so proud that he shook his head as he walked.

This scene was shot three more times, and it finally reached Yu Cangnan's standard, so everyone can rest.

Especially Yu Yuanyuan, the next part has a more emotional performance.

As for whether to cry or not, Yu Cangnan also planned to let Yu Yuanyuan play on his own.

While everyone was still resting, Yu Cangnan called Xiao Zai Zai to him, planning to talk to her about the next scene first.

"Yuanyuan, the mood in the next scene is very important. You overheard Dad at the door saying that he was going to send you away." Yu Cangnan explained while looking into Xiao Zai Zai's eyes.

Yu Yuanyuan nodded obediently, and seemed to understand every word: "You can combine your feelings in this situation, and Erbo will watch your performance later, okay?"

"Okay!" Yu Zaizai proudly put his hips on his hips, "Yuanyuan will work hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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