The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1586 As expected of a child of the Yu family

Chapter 1586 As expected of a child of the Yu family
The break is over.

Even Yu Cangnan was looking forward to how Yu Yuanyuan would behave.

After all, in the previous few shots, her free play is very good, with a very natural reaction, which is completely different from the way children deliberately express emotions.

It has to be said that not only Yu Cangnan was looking forward to it, but even Zhan Ming, He Chen and Yin Hui were the same.

Just now Yin Hui said in private that Yuanyuan has a talent for acting.

Everyone took their positions, Yu Cangnan emphasized to Yu Yuanyuan how to move at that time, the camera and actors are ready.

The characters of He Chen and Zhan Ming started talking, and the two of them were talking, when the door was opened with a "bang".

The plot here was deliberately arranged by Li Hongran (Yin Hui).

It was she who allowed her daughter to eavesdrop on the conversation between her father and this strange brother, deliberately letting her daughter know that her father wanted this strange brother to take her away from home.

I saw Yu Yuanyuan coming out of another room frowning, and Li Hongran (Yin Hui) who was pretending to be "panic" was also shown in the camera.

"Baba won't send Yuanyuan away!" Yu Yuanyuan said every word, extremely resolutely.

This totally unexpected line made He Chen couldn't help asking subconsciously: "Why?"

The atmosphere on the set started to go weird, and Zhan Ming also sensed something was wrong, but Yu Cangnan didn't stop it.

He glanced at it out of the corner of his eye.

Good guy.

As a director, Yu Cangnan actually held up his mobile phone to film something, and the corners of his mouth were trembling as he suppressed a smile.

"Because Baba loves Yuan so much... Tingting, he can't send Tingting away!" Yu Yuanyuan clenching her fists and looking at He Chen like a villain.

At this time, Yu Cangnan finally yelled "ka" in a voice trembling with laughter.

"Second Uncle, Second Uncle, how good is Yuan Yuan's acting?" The little boy who was used to being praised wanted to ask for praise again.

Without waiting for Yu Cangnan to speak, Zhan Ming raised his hand to press the hairy head: "Of course not!"

"Karma?!" Yu Yuanyuan froze on the spot.

Yu Cangnan fiddled with his phone for a while, and sent the video he just shot to someone.

"The moment you learned that Dad was going to send you away, wouldn't you feel suspicious, sad, or curious?" Zhan Ming folded his arms and started a deep communication with Xiao Zai Zai.

Yu Yuanyuan thought about it carefully, then shook her head resolutely: "No, Baba won't want Yuanyuan."

After going through so many things, Yu Yuanyuan has absolutely firm trust in Yu Jinxiao.

Zhan Ming raised his forehead, and the irritable expression just now appeared again: "You are not Yu Yuanyuan now, you are Zhong Tingting, you have to think from Zhong Tingting's perspective."

"Ah, Yuanyuan forgot about the bird." Xiao Zai Zai obediently admitted his mistake.

When she performed just now, she did substitute herself, and she didn't consider what Zhong Tingting would think.

What's more, how could her little mind think so much.

"Yuanyuan, just imagine, when you didn't trust Dad that much, if you learned that he might send you away, what kind of reaction would you have?"

Dad is going to send her away...

It seems that there is no time like that? !

Yu Yuanyuan suddenly remembered that when Xiaobao came to the house, she thought that Baba was going to send him away, and she felt very sad.

"Bring your favorite snacks and drink away from home, you're such a rascal!" Yu Yuanyuan honestly confessed what she had done.

Zhan Ming held his forehead again, his head seemed to be in pain.

As expected of a child of the Yu family, even the way of dealing with problems is very special.

(End of this chapter)

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