The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1591 Can eat pills~

Chapter 1591 Can eat pills~
"Hey!" Yu Yuanyuan was greatly encouraged.

Immediately afterwards, I took some close-ups and panoramic shots. The sky turned dark, and Yu Yuanyuan's belly began to growl.

The sound was even accidentally recorded by the radio microphone, which made Yu Cangnan feel a little sorry.

"Is Yuanyuan hungry?" Yu Cangnan signaled everyone to go to rest, "Let's eat first, and then come back to film the night scene when it gets dark."

As soon as he heard the meal, Yu Zaizai popped out with a whimper, and held Xiao Ran's hand tightly: "Sister Xiao Ran, go!"

Xiao Ran: "?" For what?
I saw that little potato struggling to pull——

Xiao Ran couldn't be moved at all, her little feet rubbed against the ground, and finally dug out two holes.

After almost a minute, she was still digging the hole in place, and she didn't move forward at all.

He Chen was so teased by the little cub who was dawdling on the spot, he picked her up and walked to the place where the meals were put.

This time, when the chef saw the little round face, he immediately recognized it as Yuanyuan: "Hey, Yuanyuan is here!"

"Susu is good~" When Xiao Zai Zai called someone, his tone was always sweet to the heart.

"What do you want to eat today?"

"Don't bully Bitter Melon." Yu Yuanyuan replied without hesitation.

The chef laughed: "Children generally don't like to eat bitter melon. I have never scooped bitter melon for Yuanyuan."

"It's in the lunch at noon today," Yu Zaizai said, feeling wronged, "Yuanyuan took it and exchanged it with Zhan Susu for a piece of meat."

After saying that, dozens of pairs of eyes glanced at Zhan Ming who was coming, as if curious that he would actually do this kind of food transaction with a child.

People who usually look cold and serious can walk with children?
"It might have fallen into it accidentally when scooping up the vegetables. Uncle, be careful today. What does Yuanyuan want to eat?"

The chef picked up the lunch box, knocked on the basin and waited for Yu Yuanyuan to choose.

Today's cub can be held tall and seen far away. He Chen's height advantage allows her to comfortably raise her little paw and give it a little tap.

In the end, the chef didn't even dare to take a spoon, for fear of breaking the small ball.

"Yu Yuanyuan, can you finish eating? Do you want so much?" Zhan Ming folded his arms and looked at her.

"Can eat pills~"

Zhan Ming: "..." He has seen too many little friends whose eyes are bigger than their stomachs.

It's just that he didn't expect that even an adult, He Chen, didn't remind Yu Yuanyuan, wouldn't it be a waste if he finished eating all the food?
It is difficult to transport resources, and it is shameful to waste food.

Yu Yuanyuan hugged her precious lunch box, and He Chen hugged Yu Yuanyuan, one by one, and came to her exclusive small stool and sat down.

Strange to say, Zhan Ming didn't see Yu Yuanyuan go to the caravan for dinner after two days here.

Instead, mingle with everyone.

After eating, I have to spare my paws to say hello to those familiar uncles, aunts, aunts, brothers and sisters who pass by but cannot be named.

Helping Xiao Zai Zai arrange the lunch box, He Chen also pulled the stool and sat beside her.

Zhan Ming still chose the farthest distance, and while eating, he quietly observed the little potato.

I saw that she smiled contentedly with every bite, baji baji, her small mouth was round.

Like a kitten that is hungry for food.

Zhan Ming ate fast, and went to the set to rest after he was full.

There is him again in today's night scene, so staying up late is impossible to escape.

He found a recliner to sleep, but he felt a little uneasy when he fell asleep, as if someone was watching him by his side.

There are people coming and going here, it's not scary for someone to look at me, what's scary is the feeling of always looking at me and not saying a word!
Zhan Ming opened one eye, and suddenly saw Yu Zaizai standing upright by his head, bending over and staring at his face!

(End of this chapter)

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