The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1592 Was taken by a 1-year-old child with a frozen drink

Chapter 1592 A Three-Year-Old Kid Made It With a Frozen Drink

"What are you doing?" Zhan Ming didn't dare to move.

His instinct was to jump straight up, but in that case Yu Yuanyuan and his forehead would be lost.

"Zhan Susu, do you want to drink Frozen Sunda~" Saying that, Xiao Zai Zai made a bottle of orange soda can from the hands on his back.

From a distance, Zhan Ming could feel a chill coming towards his face.

He swallowed, subconsciously wanting to refuse.

But his heart told him: No, you want to drink.

Especially looking at Shang Yu Zai Zai's sincere eyes, he felt that this bottle of Fanta could not be refused no matter what.

and many more.

Why does she keep teasing him with drinks?

"Why did you give me a drink?" Zhan Ming didn't answer, he seriously suspected that this little potato had a conspiracy.

Yu Yuanyuan smiled "hehe" and swayed her small body in embarrassment: "Can Zhan Susu continue to teach Yuanyuan when filming tonight?"

"I teach you?"

It's incredible that Little Tudou would take the initiative to ask for advice.

"Yes yes yes~"

"I will teach you if you don't drink this bottle of water," Zhan Ming breathed out, "Everyone here hopes that the filming will go smoothly."

"Karma?" Xiao Zai Zai paused, and looked at the bottle of iced Fanta reluctantly, "Then..."

Seeing her hesitate, Zhan Ming's heart shrank slightly.

He has never joined a filming group for enjoyment, no matter how hard or bad the conditions are, he will never bring anything other than daily necessities.

Only a little friend like Yu Yuanyuan with a special family background will have such a luxury as frozen drinks here.

I don't know if his appetite was whetted by the iced Coke at noon. Zhan Ming felt his mouth was dry and his surroundings were extremely hot. Even though the sun was already setting, he still wanted to drink something cold.

However, he can't just ask a three-year-old for a drink, right?

For as long as that little body was tangled, Zhan Ming was worried for a long time.

He never imagined that he would be manipulated by a three-year-old kid with a frozen drink.

"Yuanyuan is still there, let Zhan Susu drink the bottle!" Saying that, Xiaoyuan pushed the drink into Zhan Ming's hand, "Then...then Zhan Susu will continue to teach Yuanyuan to film in the evening! "

After finishing speaking, Little Tudou ran away to find He Chen and Xiao Ran, laughing and laughing.

When it was dark, the shooting of the night scene began.

It is said that it is a night scene, but it is actually a scene in the room, but the effect of dawn can be simulated by lighting outside the window.

This scene is mainly between Zhan Ming and Yu Yuanyuan, and Yu Yuanyuan has a lot of lines.

To be honest, Zhan Ming also felt a little uneasy.

This insecurity comes from Yu Yuanyuan's only child.

"Yuanyuan, in this scene, you are talking to your father, you know?" Yu Cangnan hugged the ball of small potatoes, trying to explain the situation to her before the filming started, "You asked where father was going to take you, and then father told me You want you and your brother to go back to school, but you don't want to leave dad, you refuse, but dad is firm."

"There was a transition. At first you just refused softly, but Dad refused to say anything. You were a little sad and angry, and your emotions gradually became bigger."

Yu Zaizai nestled in Yu Cangnan's arms, and felt sleepy when he was full, and he didn't know if he heard it.

Zhan Ming, who was sitting by the side, silently drank the last sip of Fanta, which had become room temperature, and kept paying attention to Yu Yuanyuan.

"Okay~~~~ha~~~" After finishing speaking, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't help but let out a big yawn.

Zhan Ming: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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