The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1593 Oh, the ambition is quite lofty

Chapter 1593 Oh, the ambition is quite lofty

All the actors are in place, and the filming officially begins.

In this scene, there were only Zhan Ming and Yu Yuanyuan, and everyone else gathered around to rest and watch.

The two sat on the chairs in the room, staring at each other. Yu Yuanyuan also made a little angry expression according to her emotions.

The expressions are acted out, but fortunately they are not too facial, and they look a little cute.

"Baba, where are you going to send Tingting?" Yu Yuanyuan entered the scene for a second, "Tingting doesn't go anywhere, she just wants to stay at home."

"Tingting, the outside world is very interesting. You can go to school and wear beautiful clothes with your brother, and it won't be as hot as it is now." Zhan Ming's lines are long, but the emotions and performances are all in place at once, without any flaws , "Tingting went there, she can live a better life than now."

"I won't go!" "Zhong Tingting" groaned and objected, "Tingting is reluctant to pull out her mother, Jieli is Tingting's home!"

"Father is also doing it for your own good," Zhong Hao lovingly patted his daughter's head, "My brother has already taken care of everything. You follow your brother back to school. Dad will come to see you whenever he has time, okay?"

According to the script, Zhong Tingting here has already started to get angry, and has strong emotional objections.

But unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan escaped from the script again, instead of getting angry, she asked weakly, "How long is the time?"

Zhan Ming was startled, knowing that it was time to come, the script was nothing in the eyes of a three-year-old child.

But Zhan Ming began to enjoy such a challenge, which is a special training for his acting skills and adaptability.

"See when the time comes, come when you have time."

"How long is the time!"


"How long is the time!!" Yu Zaizai's voice was getting louder and louder, the voice was childish, but there was a kind of heart-piercing that belonged to children.

That's not unreasonable trouble, it's just out of the child's insecurity to vent.

"Tingting, can you be obedient?" Zhong Hao couldn't find an excuse, so he tried to hug his daughter to comfort him.

At this moment, Yu Yuanyuan slipped away from under his arm, loudly: "You don't want Tingting anymore, Tingting doesn't want you to hug her!"

This time, Zhan Ming was also a little surprised.

Did you play it?
What did Yu Yuanyuan usually experience in Yu's house?How could he handle the mood and small details of being abandoned so well!
If it weren't for her short hands and feet, he would have suspected that she was more than three years old.

"Tingting!" Seeing that it didn't make sense, Zhong Hao became a little annoyed and wanted to chase his daughter back.

Yu Cangnan looked at the monitoring screen with satisfaction, and nodded: "Cut!"

Zhan Ming, who was immersed in the play, calmed down and went to see his "daughter". In just a second or two, that little Douding ran away.

It wasn't until Yu Cangnan called out, that she walked back in a jerky manner.

"Zhan Susu, how swollen Yuanyuan acted just now!" Xiao Zai Zai seemed to know that he was good, and asked him for comments whenever he had a chance.

Zhan Ming nodded without excessive praise: "Not bad."


If it's really good, why did you only say two words? !
This is different from the tone used by other people to praise Yuanyuan!
"You're only three years old, it's really good to be able to act like this," Zhan Ming sent her two more words, "Keep going."


Zhan Ming was about to turn around when he heard a small milky voice behind him.

"...Yuanyuan wants to be better than other three-year-olds!"

Huh, the ambition is quite lofty.

(End of this chapter)

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