The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1594 This Is The Crying Scene You Said, Okay?

Chapter 1594 This Is The Crying Scene You Said, Okay?
"Wait and see." Zhan Ming appreciates this kind of pursuit, even if it's just a small potato.

Then her potato ambition is bigger than others.

"Is the four-eyed belt a magical horse?" The passionate atmosphere suddenly lost the chain.

Zhan Ming glanced at her and replied, "I'm just waiting for you to become better and show me."

"Hey hey hey, okay~~" It was easy to agree.

After the break, the next scene to be filmed was still the scene just now, but Yu Cangnan put forward a different request.

This time, Yu Yuanyuan must not run out of the house, all performances must be performed in the room.

Because it was already dark outside, there were a lot of newspapers and leaflets pasted on the windows for wind and sun protection.

It works great for simulating daytime.

But if the actor leaves the house, there is no way to connect to the exterior.

Seeing that other staff members were still preparing, Zhan Ming, who was already in place, quietly spoke to Xiao Zai Zai in front of him: "You can actually try another way of acting."

"Karma? What kind?" There was only confusion in Yu Yuanyuan's big eyes.

"For example, you suddenly know that Baba is going to send you away, but you can't tell when you will come to see you, what are you thinking?"

"It's sad, and knowing that Baba is cheating Yin, it will be even more sad, and I think he doesn't want Yuanyuan anymore."

"What happens when Yuanyuan is sad?"

"I will cry~"

"Well, you can try."

This time, Yu Yuanyuan and Zhan Ming had no communication barriers, raised her head and asked, "Yuanyuan is about to act in a crying scene!"

Crying scenes are often the shortcoming of many people, not to mention children, even adults' crying scenes are the same.

Zhan Ming, an actor who puts eye drops, has seen many times, but if Yu Yuanyuan really can't cry, he won't treat her like he treats those people.

He's only three years old, so it's understandable that the crying scene isn't in place.

"Huh? Brother Ming, do you want Yuanyuan to act in a crying scene?" He Chen heard their conversation as soon as he entered the door, "Yuanyuan had a cameo appearance in another movie I filmed before, the crying scene is great! One piece Pass!"

Zhan Ming: "?" Doubt about life, true or false?

"In that scene, because of the presence of Yuanyuan, I was also brought into it by her emotions."

After hearing He Chen's words, Zhan Ming suspected that the chicken pecked at each other.

He Chen's acting skills in the past are obvious to all, but Yu Yuanyuan will not talk about it. He has no acting experience and is only three years old. Sometimes he can't even understand the lectures.

Good crying scene?
How could she do such a difficult performance? !
"Everyone get ready!" Yu Cangnan's reminder sounded in the crowd.

Thinking of He Chen's words just now, Zhan Ming even began to look forward to Yu Yuanyuan's performance.

Little Tudou climbed back to the chair and sat down. When Yu Cangnan called "action", Zhan Ming quickly entered the state and began to speak his lines.

Yu Yuanyuan's previous performance and emotions were similar to the last time, but just after the last line, Zhan Ming thought that he would wait for the amazing crying scene——

The round cub was slumped on the chair, motionless.

Yu Cangnan called Ka: "Yuanyuan, what's wrong? Why don't you continue acting?"

"Yuanyuan...crying can't be rough." Yu Yuanyuan's face was full of "vigorous and cheerful", and she really couldn't hold back the sadness of excessive crying.

Zhan Ming was silent for a moment, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at He Chen who had praised Xiao Zai Zai just now.

There was a clear expression in his eyes, "Is this the crying scene you said?".

The so-called crying scene is good, even if you can't push your emotions to a climax, you can still squeeze out a little tear.

What did Yu Yuanyuan squeeze out?

Little Potato, who was sitting on the chair, burped.

Hmm, let out a belch.

(End of this chapter)

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