The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1595 Do you want to be round?

Chapter 1595 Do you want to be round?
Children's crying scenes also need to be brewed.

Zhan Ming just gave her such a suggestion before the filming started, the little cub who was still immersed in the happy filming, how could she cry as soon as she said it.

Yu Cangnan knew that Zhan Ming wanted Yu Yuanyuan to try a different way of shooting, he didn't blame Xiao Zai Zai for not being able to cry, nor did he say that Zhan Ming shouldn't talk too much.

Sometimes, a successful movie is often achieved by the actors.

"Yuanyuan, do you want to take a break and call Dad?" Yu Cangnan took the opportunity to remind.

If it was later, I'm afraid the younger brother would keep talking about it again.

In the past, he felt that this younger brother had a bad temper and was not easy to get along with.

But now, Yu Cangnan feels that Yu Jinxiao is a very difficult person, especially when it comes to Yu Yuanyuan.

Only then did Xiao Zai Zai realize that he hadn't called his father today, so Xiao Ran took the phone and watch from Xiao Ran, and looked for a corner.

Today, Yu Yuanyuan first called Yu Mingxi and Shen Ji, and briefly chatted about her feeling of filming for the first time in the crew today.

After chatting here, Xiao Zai Zai dialed Yu Jinxiao's number again.

The other side connected very quickly, but within two or three seconds, the reliable and steady voice sounded: "Yuanyuan."


I don't know why, when Yu Zaizai spoke, his voice was a little crying.

The time of filming is very fulfilling, she doesn't think about how long she hasn't seen Baba and her brothers.

However, as soon as he heard a familiar voice on the phone, Xiao Zai Zai's thoughts were aroused, eager to grind that fragile little heart.

If she was filming a program in the program group before, she should be lying on the bed at home now, rolling around like a little earthworm, asking Ba Ba to tell her a story.

Now, she can only listen to Baba's voice through the phone.

"What's wrong?" Yu Jinxiao heard the pitiful cry, stood up abruptly, and bumped into the chair behind him.

He Shuxuan on the side was taken aback for a moment, thinking that something serious had happened, and didn't even dare to breathe too loudly.

"Yuanyuan wants to get tired~~" Saying that, Xiao Zai Zai's voice began to tremble.

Even if he couldn't see that small face, Yu Jinxiao could still imagine what that face looked like now.

Before Yu Yuanyuan could continue talking, the other person hung up the phone with a bang.

A bunch of Yu Yuanyuan's words suddenly got stuck in her throat, and the whole boy froze.

Less than two seconds later, a new call came in, it was Dad!
It's just that the interface is different from before. Xiao Zai Zai tried to tap the green symbol with his little finger like answering the phone, and his father's face appeared on the screen.

"Yuanyuan saw Baba!" Yu Yuanyuan exclaimed in shock, "Wow, how can I see Baba!"

"The video function has always been available, it's just that you don't know it." Yu Jinxiao's voice was light and ethereal, obviously still nervously maintaining the posture of knocking over the chair just now, "What's wrong? You didn't seem very happy when you heard the voice just now."

The little face on the screen was dark, and it was almost impossible to find it in a dimly lit place.

Fortunately, Yu Jinxiao has already seen the photos sent by Xiao Zai Zai before, and is mostly used to it.

"Is Yuan Yuanmu not happy? Yuanyuan just wants to pull it out~" Xiao Zaizai continued to hum, "Do you want to pull it out?"

On the screen of the mobile phone, Yu Jinxiao saw Little Tudou sitting alone beside the iron sheet, the surrounding was very quiet, and there was only a little noise in the distance.

Is there no one to accompany her?
Just as Yu Jinxiao was about to answer "I think about it", he suddenly felt another gaze beside him, and He Shuxuan was still standing there nervously waiting for orders.

(End of this chapter)

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