The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1596 This person is not easy to get along with

Chapter 1596 This person is not easy to get along with

"You go out first." Yu Jinxiao's cold eyes swept towards He Shuxuan's direction.

As if his body was covered with cold needles, He Shuxuan bent slightly, and quickly left the room to act as the doorkeeper in the corridor.

Looking at Mr. Yu's reaction just now, it seems that something very serious has happened.

But why not leave him to do his bidding?

Since He Shuxuan has been with Yu Jinxiao for so long, he rarely sees him lose his composure.

Speaking of the last time, it was when Miss Yuanyuan was kidnapped.

"Yuanyuan... Why does Yuanyuan get tired of going out?" On the other end of the phone, Yu Zaizai's voice was puzzled, and he looked around, "Go out from a screen?"

Yu Jinxiao turned his head back, with a lot of tenderness in his brows and eyes: "I was talking to someone just now, and I didn't ask you to go out."

Even if he didn't see this little ball for a day and a night, Yu Jinxiao felt as if several centuries had passed.

"Oh~~ Does Baba want to be round?"

"Well, I thought about it, did you have a good meal over there?" As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Jinxiao felt that what he said was nonsense.

She can eat fat even when she is kidnapped, but she is only going to film a movie, how can she be hungry and skinny?
"There are ducks!" When it comes to eating, Yu Yuanyuan's voice is particularly loud, holding up her paws energetically, "Yuanyuan has a good meal!"

"Well, I still drink a bottle of drink every day."

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan was shocked, "How do you know if Baba is swollen!"

"I said, every time you open the refrigerator, I will know what you take." Looking at the shocked face of Xiao Zai Zai, Yu Jinxiao suddenly felt a childish sense of accomplishment.

"But it's not Yuanyuan drinking."

"Who drank that?" Yu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows, "He Chen?"

No, it shouldn't be He Chen.

He Chen was almost in a daze for maintaining his figure, how could he drink a drink.

Who is that?
This little glutinous rice ball is actually willing to share his own drink, something is wrong!
As a father, Yu Jinxiao is very aware of her daughter's character, food is the sky and the earth to her, and it is impossible to divide it casually.

Although Xiao Ran was arranged by Yu Cangnan to take care of Yu Yuanyuan, he probably wouldn't touch the things in the refrigerator for Xiao Tangyuan casually.

"Give it to Zhan Susu~" Yu Yuanyuan replied with a whimper.

"Zhan Susu? Who?" Yu Jinxiao frowned.

Why didn't we see each other in such a short time, another person he didn't know popped out of Yu Yuanyuan's mouth.

"Zhan Susu called... called...forgot." After stammering for a long time, Yu Yuanyuan did not disappoint Yu Jinxiao, it would be abnormal if she could remember.



Yu Jinxiao didn't continue to ask, but turned on the computer and searched for news about the crew on the Internet.

Soon he saw "Zhan Ming" who was ranked behind He Chen in the cast list.

"Why does he want to drink your Coke?" Yu Jinxiao was chatting with Xiao Zai Zai while looking up news about Zhan Ming on the Internet.

In just two or three minutes, he came to a conclusion——

This person is not easy to get along with!
Could it be that he bullied Xiao Zai Zai, so that Yu Yuanyuan had to give up her drink?
"He bullied you?" Yu Jinxiao's voice turned cold in an instant, and the shallow and mixed breath seemed to be sharpening a knife invisible.

Yu Yuanyuan tilted her head, blinked her big eyes and replied, "There are no ducks!"

"No? Then why did you give him a drink?"

Don't say you are kind enough to share with others!
In fact, when preparing those drinks, Yu Jinxiao didn't intend to let Xiao Tangyuan drink alone. She usually drank healthier fruit juices and milk.

These frozen drinks are more for the little glutinous rice balls, if someone wants to drink them, such as He Chen, Yu Jinxiao will not be stingy with drinks.

But... When I called just now, Xiao Tangyuan didn't seem to be in a very good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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