Chapter 1598
Zhan Ming was surprised from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't let his emotions interfere with filming, and continued with the script.

Because he felt sorry for his daughter, his suppressed emotions seemed to have been torn through a gap, overflowing from the corner of his heart at a certain moment.

But after a few words of comfort, another layer of firmer decision made Zhong Hao not change his words, but reasoned to his daughter with a trembling voice.

As he was talking, Yu Yuanyuan threw himself into the quilt next to him with a groan, stuck his head in it and cried so hard.

The rough dark blue quilt covered the upper half of the cub, only one short hand and two short legs were exposed.

From a distance, it looks like a teddy bear is covered under the quilt.

He Chen covered his mouth and almost laughed out loud.

"Very good, Ka!"

Yu Cangnan clapped his hands suddenly: "Yuanyuan's performance is very good, very good!"


Even after hearing the praise from the second uncle, the little cub under the quilt still cried very sadly.

Zhan Ming thought she didn't hear, so he stretched out his hand to lift the quilt, and patted the trembling little shoulder: "The director called out, take a break."

The messy little head was still lying on the bed sheet, crying softly.

Is it too deep into the drama?
This kind of situation is quite common. Often actors with good acting skills can easily put themselves into the play and fail to get out.

But Yu Yuanyuan is only three years old, could it be that he has such powerful abilities?

"Hey, how are you?" Zhan Ming patted that little shoulder, and He Chen and Yin Hui also anxiously surrounded the ball.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was a little tired from crying, raised one foot and turned over with difficulty.

Her little painted face was washed with tears.

Even the sheet under the quilt had a picture of a crying face printed on it.

The corner of Yin Hui's mouth twitched, wanting to laugh, but conscience helped to hold the corner of her mouth.

It was already very miserable for Yuanyuan to cry so sadly, it would be unkind for her to laugh at this time.

"Yuanyuan... hiccup... want to pull it out." As she spoke, Xiaolian cried even more.

It turned out that I missed my father.

Only then did Zhan Ming figure out where Yu Yuanyuan's emotions came from.

He really thought that Yu Yuanyuan got into the emotions of the plot, but he didn't expect that he got into his own emotions, and by the way, he got the emotions the plot wanted.

"What's the matter, Yuanyuan?" Yu Cangnan was very satisfied with the shot just now, but seeing that Yu Yuanyuan was still crying so hard, he also came forward to comfort him in distress.

"Second Uncle~~~" the little milk voice trembled, "Yuanyuan wants to pull out~~~"

"Hey, haven't you called Dad today?" Yu Cangnan asked while patting his head.

Mingming saw her leaving the meeting with her phone and watch just now, and when she came back she was full of energy, so she thought she had already chatted with Yu Jinxiao.

Why are you still so sad?

"I called and sent it," Yu Yuanyuan cried until he hiccupped, "but after hanging up the phone, I wanted to unplug it even more, woo woo woo."

"Oh, Yuanyuan, don't cry, don't cry," Yin Hui couldn't help it anymore, and stepped forward to hug that little head to comfort her, "My sister is so distressed when you cry like this, brother He Chen and Zhan Susu will do the same." Distressed, my dear."

Zhan Ming: "?"

What do you mean, everyone is about the same age, you are the older sister and I am the uncle?

Why does everyone seem to agree that he is already an uncle! !

"Then... that Yuanyuan didn't take a good shot just now?" The little cub, who was crying so hard, suddenly changed the topic, He Chen and Yin Hui almost didn't catch up, and they both froze in place.

Don't you miss dad?

Why do you suddenly have the mood to ask yourself about shooting again?
Without waiting for Yu Cangnan's answer, Zhan Ming frowned, and reluctantly gave her a thumbs up: "Well, not bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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