The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1599 What if he gets sleepy and washes off?

Chapter 1599 What If He Gets Sleepy and Washes Off?

"Really?" Yu Yuanyuan didn't quite believe it.

This boast is too concise!

Yin Hui nudged Zhan Ming with her elbow, signaling him to boast a little more, these three words were not convincing.

"The filming is very good, the acting is also very good, and the expressions and lines are also fine." Zhan Ming racked his brains to squeeze out all the words he can boast in his life, "You are simply a genius!"

"Genius!" Yu Yuanyuan's eyes lit up, and the next second, "Genius is a magic horse!"

You don't even know what a genius is, you're a ball of wool!
Zhan Ming pouted, not wanting to explain this embarrassing question.

He Chen couldn't wait to help translate: "Yuanyuan, it means that you have been suitable for filming since birth, and you have been so good since birth!"

"Wow, it sounds like you're really hot." Yu Zaizai was completely happy.

It's just that the little face is colorful, looking miserable and funny.

"Come on, Yuanyuan, you put on some makeup, how about we try to shoot two more shots?" Yu Cangnan saw that the atmosphere had improved, and followed the trend, trying to keep Yu Zaizai's enthusiasm for filming.


The little body wriggled up from the bed, and sat there obediently waiting for the stylist sister to touch up her makeup.

With a well-behaved and obedient appearance, anyone who sees her wants to praise her.

I really can't see that Yu Jinxiao's daughter is such a cute and obedient girl!

Everyone's compliments gave Yu Yuanyuan more motivation for filming. The next two scenes did not require too strong emotions. After Yu Yuanyuan took a few shots, they all passed smoothly.

For the rest of the time, it was He Chen and Zhan Ming's turn to play against each other.

Yin Hui was so sleepy, she found a recliner to catch up on sleep, and waited for Yu Cangnan to call her to start filming at any time.

"Can Yuanyuan take a rest?" Xiao Zai Zai put on a painted face, waiting for the stylist sister to remove her makeup.

Wrapped in a bloated padded short jacket, from a distance, it looks like a small lantern standing still.

"Okay!" Yu Cangnan patted her head, then turned around and was ready to start working immediately.

But the trouser leg was grabbed by a small force.

Yu Cangnan turned around and saw that Yu Yuanyuan hadn't left, and was still pulling his trouser legs with his fleshy little round claws.

"Second Uncle, you don't need to sleep!" Yu Yuanyuan looked at him with shocked eyes, as if she was looking at something scary.

"Sleeping," Yu Cangnan said with a broken smile, "but I have to go to sleep after the filming is over."

"But it's already very late!" Xiao Qiuqiu seriously emphasized.

When she said this, Yu Cangnan buried his head and looked at his phone, um, 10:30 in the evening, it was really late for her.

"Yuanyuan go to bed first, we'll sleep after filming, okay?" Yu Cangnan patted that little head, thinking he'd comforted that little Douding.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan still refused to let go: "But Zhan Susu hasn't felt sleepy for a long time, what if his sleepiness washes off!"


Zhan Ming really wanted to thank her.

Is this a euphemism for sudden death?

"I'm fine, you go to bed quickly, we can rest early after the filming is finished." Zhan Ming didn't have the patience to grind with her, and waved his hand with an impatient expression on his face.

But Yu Yuanyuan still refused to leave, her small appearance was very resolute: "No, if Zhan Susu washes off your sleepiness, no one will teach Yuanyuan how to act!"

So that's what you're worried about! !

Yu Cangnan said whatever he wanted, the little guy just kept pulling on her trouser legs, as if he wouldn't let go until he saw everyone was leaving.

Being looked at by such a pair of kind and pure eyes, how could Yu Cangnan's kind heart have the heart to let her down.

He waved his hand immediately: "Okay, everyone go back and rest!"

After the words fell, cheers erupted from the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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