The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1604 Why Are You Impolite?

Chapter 1604 Why Are You Impolite?
The assistant was checking He Chen's eyes. It looked like they had been cleaned up, but the eyes were just a little red and bloodshot.

When Xiao Zai Zai said that, he wanted to do this, lying on the bed and standing tall.

In this way, she could just blow into He Chen's eyes.

Sitting He Chen was forced to lose sight of Xiao Zai Zai.

It was this little gap that made his heart tighten unconsciously, as if something terrible was beating wildly in his heart.

He Chen forced a smile, and patted her on the head: "Yuanyuan, I'm fine, don't worry about it."

That's what he said, but that little Douding stood on the bed full of oppression, frowning and looking at him.

The extremely guilt-ridden little eyes made He Chen unable to bear to reject Yuanyuan's self-proclaimed "compensation".

The two faced each other in silence for a moment, and He Chen had no choice but to admit defeat.

"Okay then, but, Yuanyuan, be careful of your saliva." He Chen reminded a little nervously.

A smile returned to Xiao Zai Zai's face, he nodded, and exaggeratedly swallowed his saliva several times.

"Brother delicious, don't worry, you won't have any saliva!" Yu Yuanyuan put his hands on his hips, his movement looked scary, "Ready to die~~"

"Ready." He Chen swallowed instead.

After the words fell, a small typhoon swept towards his face.

He Chen subconsciously wanted to close his eyes, but he was afraid that Yu Yuanyuan would say that he hadn't blown it and would have to do it all over again.

In the end, he bit the bullet and finished the little cub's loving "blowing".

"He Chen, are you okay? The one just now was very good," Yu Cangnan smiled and came to chat with them, "The filming was very good, and the reaction was very real. Yuanyuan's own little performance is also quite interesting."

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan looked over suspiciously, not understanding what the second uncle was talking about.

Yu Cangnan didn't explain, just patted that little head.

In the next scene, He Chen rushes out of the room, grabs Yu Yuanyuan and asks her why she did this.

Yu Yuanyuan, who had done "bad things", wanted to yell at her "brother", saying that she hated him and told him to leave her home!

As soon as Yu Cangnan and Yu Yuanyuan finished talking about the plot, Xiao Zai Zai's face crumpled into a ball.

"Ah, why is Yuanyuan so rude!" Yu Yuanyuan clasped her arms and asked in disbelief, "Will this make a bad kid..."

The staff covered their mouths and laughed while hearing their conversation.

Such a well-behaved and obedient little friend is really rare.

Yu Cangnan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and almost said, Yuanyuan, can you lower your sense of morality a little bit.

At least, don't be so tall when acting, okay?

But thinking of Yu Yuanyuan's thinking ability, Yu Cangnan didn't say anything.

Yu Yuanyuan is a cute child, otherwise she wouldn't just stay in the crew for a few days, she didn't cause any trouble, and she didn't need others to worry about it, so she could have awarded the most obedient baby in the universe.

It was her "obedience" that made Yu Cangnan's filming so smooth.

"Yuanyuan, you are acting," Yu Cangnan mulled over his words, "All of this is fake, not real! So, even if you are a naughty little friend, Tingting is not good. Our Yuanyuan You're so good!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Cangnan touched that little furry head with his forehead.

"That's great~" Yu Zaizai seemed very reluctant, "Yuanyuan will work hard!"

After repeatedly explaining to Xiao Douding the position, lines, and after the performance, Yu Cangnan was going to let Yu Yuanyuan try it first.

But to try, the camera still turned on the recording.

(End of this chapter)

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