The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1605 Where are the people?

Chapter 1605 Where are the people?

Yu Yuanyuan's performance was unstable, sometimes she had to shoot several times, and sometimes she had unexpected small performances.

These special places must be captured by cameras at any time. Once missed, there will be less special taste.

He Chen was already in position, and Yu Yuanyuan was ready to run at any time.

Both of them seem to be ready for an intense chase!

After Yu Cangnan gave an order, He Chen rushed forward——

In less than two seconds, Yu Yuanyuan's collar was twisted.

It's over.

he did not do it on purpose!

When He Chen played games with Yu Yuanyuan before, they were always chased by others, or they went to chase others...

This was the first time they were chasing each other, He Shen never expected that the short legs that had been seen countless times were really not so fast.

Being caught too quickly, Yu Yuanyuan didn't even rush into the scene, her eyes were dull like a silly little cat being lifted up.

After staying for about a second, Yu Yuanyuan began to struggle with her claws: "Let go of Yinjia, let go of Yinjia!!"

He Chen ferociously tried to turn her to the front, but there were too few twists in his hands, and Yu Yuanyuan kept spinning after being suspended in the air.

The scene was indescribably funny, but He Chen couldn't laugh because he was afraid that he would affect the capture of the camera.

But Yu Cangnan didn't call to stop, so he had to continue acting in his state!

"What are you doing? Why throw sand at me?" He Chen asked "angrily".

"You're a bad silver! Don't be at Tingting's house, you play! Play!" Xiao Zai Zai, who was circling in mid-air, well controlled his emotions, "Ting Ting hates it!"


After a period of filming was over, Yu Cangnan called He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan to watch the filming together.

According to the plot in the script, Yuan Si also did not catch up with Zhong Tingting, and the two confronted each other at a distance, revealing Zhong Tingting's anger more thoroughly.

It's just another way of deduction just now, which just exposed some problems——

He Chen has long legs and fast speed. For the sake of realism, he cannot be deliberately made to run too slowly.

And Yuanyuan also has short legs, so it is impossible to increase her running speed much, which means that "Yuan Siyi caught Zhong Tingting" is an inevitable problem.

How about... Try to shoot a version that doesn't get caught?

Yu Cangnan is used to experimenting, trying various possibilities and different shooting methods in a plot, and will also give the actors room to play, and respect the opinions and opinions of the actors.

"Yuanyuan, why don't we try another method?" Yu Cangnan gesticulated and explained to Xiaodouding, "When you are fleeing, try not to be caught by Brother He Chen, how about it?"

"Yuanyuan understands!" Yu Zaizai said loudly, "You got caught once, so you didn't get caught when you took a picture, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Yu Cangnan nodded doggedly.

At the same time, he and He Chen also discussed how to run, how to move, and how to take care of the camera.

After planning everything, the two returned to their respective positions and waited for the filming to start.

"Ready! Action!"

As soon as Yu Yuanyuan heard the password, she ran away, and He Chen deliberately slowed down a little by rubbing her eyes and wiping her face.

Xiao Qiuqiu ran around in place, running around the sundries in the yard.

In the end, He Chen stopped, and Yu Yuanyuan also stopped to speak his lines.

"What are you doing? Why are you throwing sand at me?"

As soon as He Chen finished speaking, he suddenly realized...why did Yu Yuanyuan disappear?What about people?

It stands to reason that I have already talked about walking, and it is unlikely that Yuanyuan will run out of the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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