The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1606 Happiness Comes So Suddenly

Chapter 1606 Happiness Comes So Suddenly
Yu Cangnan didn't call to stop, but He Chenmei dared to raise objections.

Since you can't see Xiao Zai Zai, then act in an invisible way!

He rubbed his eyes again and again, trying to find the figure of the little ball.

On the side of the half-height fence next to it, a hair was swaying left and right: "You are a bad silver! Don't be at Tingting's house, play! Play!"

"Come out, where have you been hiding?" He Chen asked again in Yuan Siyi's tone seriously.

It was only then that Yu Yuanyuan realized that Brother Haomei couldn't see her at all, why is this so swollen?

However, the standing position was determined by the second uncle just now, and the little boy dared not run around.

The little brain started to think hard, looking for a solution.

Especially if they can't hear "ka", neither Yu Yuanyuan nor He Chen will give up the idea of ​​continuing to act.

Yu Cangnan didn't call out on purpose.

He really wanted to see how Yu Yuanyuan would handle this situation.

Yuanyuan is still too young, and she may encounter many unexpected things in filming in the future. If she can form an instinctive response to adapt to the situation as soon as possible, she will definitely be able to walk on the road of acting more smoothly in the future.

do not know why.

Yu Cangnan had this intuition.

This drama is not the end of Yu Yuanyuan, she has a talent for acting, and she will definitely shine in different scenes in the future.

"The Yin family said, hurry up and play! Don't stay at Tingting's house, Jieli doesn't welcome you!"

Intermittent little milk sounds sounded from the side of the fence, and the poor altitude that was blocked was bouncing behind the fence.

Every time I jumped a few words, I finally finished speaking intermittently.

Yu Cangnan held back his laughter, he had to admit that children's brains are particularly interesting at certain times, such as this moment.

If you are an adult, you will definitely choose to step out from the fence to the open space, so that the camera can capture the full face.

It's good for Yu Yuanyuan, since the things in front of her are blocking her, she should jump up and let the camera catch her!

The central theme of this movie is actually serious and depressing, but in order to make it commercialized, some funny plots are set in the script to ease the atmosphere.

However, those well-designed plots are not worth mentioning under Yu Yuanyuan's free performance.

Yu Yuanyuan seems to have a talent for funny. Even if she is serious about acting and the plot is in place, she can give people a sense of relaxation from depression.


At the end of this paragraph, Yu Cangnan let Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen rest for a while, and then took a more normal position and shot.

At the same time, I took several close-ups and close-ups.

Yu Cangnan really forgot about Yu Yuanyuan's height just now, and wanted to use a fence to separate Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen, creating conflicts between the characters and Zhong Tingting's feeling of "closed" to this brother whom he met for the first time.

Who knew that when Yu Yuanyuan ran over, he realized that Xiaodouding could not be photographed at that position.

The fence was completely over her height.

It's just that the effect is surprisingly good!

With the plot in the script, Zhan Ming needs to appear on stage to ease the conflict between the two, but Zhan Ming is still recovering from sleep, and Yu Cangnan plans to move to the afternoon to film.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scene where Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen had breakfast together, and Yu Yuanyuan went on to play tricks again.

When he heard that he was going to have a meal, Xiao Zai Zai opened his mouth slightly, as if he couldn't believe that happiness came so suddenly.

This is not sleepy!
The staff began to decorate the scene, placing several plates of pancakes and porridge on top.

He Chen was observing Xiao Zai Zai's expression the whole time.

Even for these things that don't seem to have much appetite, the light in Yu Yuanyuan's eyes does not diminish in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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