Chapter 1607
After setting up the scene, Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen took their seats. The two deliberately sat diagonally across from each other in the farthest position.

The breakfast was very monotonous, but it was the best the Zhong family could offer.

Yu Zaizai's eyes were fixed on the pancakes, and he couldn't wait to grab a piece and taste it.

Looking at the things on the table, He Chen felt his stomach was already full.

That dry appearance did not arouse his appetite at all.

"Yuanyuan, when you are having breakfast later, you have to find a way to make trouble and show that you really don't like brother He Chen, understand?" She recalled it several times.

The confident little cub clasped his index finger and thumb, and made a confident OK.

Yu Cangnan experienced too many surprises from Yu Yuanyuan, and nodded expectantly: "action!"

After the words were finished, He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan threw themselves into the plot and began to deal with the food on the table.

This part of the plot will connect Zhong Hao's busy time in the kitchen, Yu Cangnan decided to seize the time to shoot the scenes of Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen first.

He Chen almost didn't have to act, and very directly wrote all his dislike for this dry cake in his eyes.

As soon as he tore off a piece, he found that Yu Yuanyuan was tearing the pancake very seriously.

Probably because the pancake was too dry, Yu Yuanyuan's kitten-like strength made it very difficult to pull it off.

She "hey" secretly exerted force, pulled it once, and then again, but still did not move.

Almost tired her like a dog.

Seeing this, He Chen really couldn't hold back and kindly tore off a piece for her and handed it over.

All of this was not discussed in advance, it was He Chen's natural behavior brought out by Yu Yuanyuan's performance.

Xiao Zai Zai stretched out his claws, and was just about to take it, when he suddenly thought of something, he turned his head angrily: "Tingting won't eat the pancakes you tore!"

"Why?" He Chen smiled helplessly.

Acting with Yu Yuanyuan sometimes gave He Chen a sense of crisis.

It was as if he was being led away by this little cub. Even though this opponent was only over three years old, he would have such a miraculous operation.

"Tingting hates you, you leave Tingting's house quickly, Tingting will not go with you!"

It was rare for Yu Yuanyuan to speak without ambiguity at all, and her lines were read clearly.

But at this moment, He Chen actually got stuck, and couldn't remember what his lines were.

"Cut!" Seeing his hesitation, Yu Cangnan stopped immediately.

He Chen was thinking about his lines with a sad face, when a slightly serious voice sounded beside him.

"I came here to take you home, this is not your real home." This voice restored He Chen's original lines, without missing a single word.

Everyone looked around, and Zhan Ming didn't know when he was standing behind the crowd with his arms folded, as if he had been watching the shooting for a long time.

"Zhan Ming, you're awake," Yu Cangnan turned his head, "Why don't you sleep a little longer, this morning is mainly for the scenes of He Chen and Yuanyuan."

"I'm full of sleep." Zhan Ming folded his arms, and glanced at Little Tudou sitting there calmly, as if doubting the effect of her shooting this morning.

Even though He Chen's acting skills are not very good, he is at least an adult and can understand Yu Cangnan's words.

There are too many uncertain factors for this little potato.

"Why is Zhan Susu staring at Yuanyuan!" Yu Zaizai suddenly exclaimed, "Do you think Yuanyuan's acting was not good just now?"

With a guilty conscience, Zai Zai's eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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