The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1609 He wants to guess too?He is not a child!

Chapter 1609 He wants to guess too?He is not a child!

Yu Yuanyuan seldom uses the word "I" no matter in reality or in lines. It seems that her self-awareness is not as strong as other children.

You must know that when Yuanyuan was so young, his son could already say "XX is mine", "Don't touch my things", "Don't eat my snacks".

Probably because the consciousness of "I" is very strong, it will occasionally appear a little uncute.

But after getting along these days, Yu Cangnan felt that Yuanyuan was so cute that she looked like an unreal little angel.

Even he wished he could have such a lovely daughter...

It's just that Yu Cangnan's naive idea was swept away when he thought of his son's headache when he was three or four years old.

Although I don't like to say "I" is Yuanyuan's characteristic, but this habit has neutralized the possibility of a little "unlikable" character of the heroine in the original plot.

Obviously, the development of the plot and the lines spoken are exactly the same as the original ones, but in Yu Yuanyuan's mouth, it is so cute and invincible that people can't hate it at all.

Yu Cangnan didn't interfere with this small detail, which he thought was a plus.

Even Zhan Ming, who has always been rigorous, did not raise any objections. It can be seen that he also tacitly agreed that Yu Yuanyuan's performance was fine.

"I came here to take you home, this is not your real home." He Chen didn't get stuck here this time, and spoke his lines smoothly.

In the end, Yu Yuanyuan's expression froze.

For a moment, Yu Cangnan wasn't sure if she was acting "Shocked" or if she had forgotten the lines. Should she call the "card" or not?

Just when he was about to raise his hand to signal, there was an emotional change on Yu Yuanyuan's face: "What a horse! Isn't Tingting's home here? Where is it?"

"Okay, Ka!" Yu Cangnan called to stop.

Zhan Ming played a role in the following plot, he interrupted He Chen, did not let him continue, and reminded him in a low voice that he hadn't come yet to explain to Yuanyuan.

Zhan Ming has already woken up.

Standing aside and watching for a while, I was also a little itchy, and I was eager to shoot.

However, Yu Cangnan had already made a plan, and he, an actor, shouldn't disrupt the crew's arrangement.

"Second Uncle, how was Yuanyuan acting swollen just now?" He asked Yu Cangnan, and Yu Yuanyuan's eyes were clearly looking at Zhan Ming.

It seems that I am used to being commented by him every time the performance is over.

"Not bad, Yuanyuan, you were here just now..." Yu Cangnan turned the video back and pointed at the place where she was in a daze, "Are you acting shocked, or did you suddenly forget your lines?"

When Xiao Zai Zai heard it, he quacked and laughed: "Second Uncle, guess~~"


There are many types of shock, and it does not necessarily have a strong expression change. Sometimes the reception is too sudden, and there are also times when you are stunned and have no extra expression.

Xiao Zai Zai didn't reveal the answer, so he turned to look at He Chen and Zhan Ming.

Zhan Ming frowned, he also wanted to guess?He is not a child!

He Chen happily joined in: "It must be a shock!"

Because Yuanyuan was stunned for a short time, if she really forgot the words, how could she remember them in such a short time?

It's hard even for him as an adult.

Just as He Chen finished speaking, Zhan Ming's voice floated from behind them: "I forgot the words."

"Karma?" The proud little boy showed shock, "How did Zhan Susu know!!!"

Obviously, even the second uncle and the delicious brother didn't see it, how could Zhan Susu find out! !
Zaisheng received a strong shock.

(End of this chapter)

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