The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1610 Yuanyuan can eat people

Chapter 1610 Yuanyuan can eat people
Zhan Ming curled his lips, as if he felt that Yu Yuanyuan's question was redundant.

However, the moment he raised his eyes, even He Chen, Yu Cangnan, and Xiao Ran all looked over, as if they all wanted to wait for him to reveal the answer——

How did he see that Yuanyuan's extremely short moment was because she forgot her lines, not acting.

In terms of professionalism, what scene has the director Yu Cangnan not seen?

How can you not see this little detail?
Stared eagerly by several pairs of eyes, Zhan Ming stepped back a little uncomfortably, keeping a distance from these terrifying gazes.

"Zhan Ming, how did you find out?" Yu Cangnan asked anxiously when he saw that he had not spoken for a long time.

"That's right, brother Ming, did you use any professional method to find out?" He Chen, who was eager to learn, also wanted to know the answer.

Zhan Ming waved his hands, creating an even bigger mystery: "It has nothing to do with professional methods."

"That is……"

"I've watched Yu Yuanyuan act a lot, so I probably know the look in her eyes and her reaction when she forgets her lines."

"Ah?" He Chen didn't expect the answer to be this, and was dumbfounded on the spot.

Seeing the shock in his eyes, Zhan Ming emphasized with a natural look: "I said, as an actor, you need to observe more. Is this strange?"

"It's not surprising, it's not surprising," He Chen quickly shook his head, "But, we don't know how to play three-year-old children, why should we observe children?"

"Oh," Zhan Ming looked at him innocently, "You never know what script you will receive, if you are asked to play a child with a head injury and an IQ back to 3 years old, how would you act? "

Adults who have grown up will more or less blur their childhood memories.

If you want to "play" a "big kid" with an IQ of three years old, you have to observe besides observation.

But if you try to understand it temporarily, you may miss the hard-won opportunity.

Being an actor is a profession that must be ready at all times.

He Chen felt as if his heart had been hit by something dull, and then he felt a strong sense of guilt.

This is probably why Zhan Ming was able to become an excellent actor recognized by everyone at a young age, and he... has been scolded for his acting skills until now.

In terms of level and awareness, He Chen and Zhan Ming are an atmosphere behind.

"Wow, Zhan Susu speaks so tiresomely!" Yu Yuanyuan raised her head, unexpectedly listening to him, clapped her hands.

The little face is full of admiration.

However, Zhan Ming wondered if she really understood what he said.

"Brother Ming, what you said is very good." He Chen held his hand, his eyes were slightly red, "I will also work hard to be a good actor!"

"Yeah." Zhan Ming heard such bold words too much, and he is no longer surprised.

"Yuanyuan is too!"

I have never heard of the three-year-old's rhetoric, which is strange.

Since Zhan Ming observed the part of Yu Yuanyuan's forgotten words through Yu Yuanyuan's own little habits, Yu Cangnan did not reshoot, but kept this part, and only added some shots.

The shooting in the morning was full of gold, and when it was over, it was already a little bit closer.

Yu Cangnan's heart tightened, realizing something was wrong, he actually let a kid eat lunch so late!

If Yu Jinxiao finds out about this, he won't be able to make this movie!

"Second Uncle~ What's the next shot~" The little boy outside the camera trotted all the way, and the little brain appeared one after another.

The wheat-colored face is even more simple and sincere.

Yu Cangnan couldn't believe it: "Yuanyuan, aren't you hungry?"

"Karma?!" Yu Yuanyuan suddenly remembered something, and put her claws on her stomach.

The little ball, which was alive and well in the last second, suddenly looked like a deflated balloon, and the whole cub was lifted up, shaking, as if it would be blown away by the wind at any time.

"Ah, Yuanyuan is going to be hungry! Yuanyuan can eat people..."

Zhan Ming frowned.

"Eat a meal as tall as a human being."

Oh, that's fine.

(End of this chapter)

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