The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1611 How Can You Make Yuanyuan Hungry?

Chapter 1611 How Can You Make Yuanyuan Hungry?

With Yu Yuanyuan's terrifying appetite, Zhan Ming felt horrified when he heard her say eating "people".

Maybe she can really eat it.

When He Chen, Yu Yuanyuan, Xiao Ran and Zhan Ming arrived at the meal place, they were no longer surrounded by a sea of ​​people like usual.

The empty appearance gave Xiao Ran a bad feeling.

Shouldn't there be nothing to eat?
"Susu~~Yuanyuan is here to bully Fanfan~" Yu Zaizai was hugged by He Chen, and before he reached the window, he couldn't wait to say hello to the people inside.

The cheerful little voice could be heard a few meters away.

The chef poked his head out to take a look, and immediately rolled his eyes with a smile: "Hey, Yuanyuan, why is it so late today, I thought you wouldn't come."

"Yuanyuan is late for shooting today," said Yu Zaizai, covering his belly, hissing, "Susu's cooking is so easy to deceive, Yuanyuan must come!"

This convincing rainbow fart has chefs laughing so hard they can't see.

"Hey, is there no food?" Xiao Ran glanced curiously at the window.

Yu Yuanyuan also poked his head to look together: "No Kansai~ there are two dishes in Jieli, and there are three pieces of meat~"

Pointing at the pitiful sticky vegetables in the rice bowl, Yu Yuanyuan didn't dislike it at all.

Zhan Ming suddenly admired the optimism of this little potato.

For other children, if they saw this messy scene, they would definitely feel sad because they were hungry.

But Yu Yuanyuan seems to always choose a good direction to think.

"Yuanyuan didn't come to eat, of course uncle left it for you!" The chef smiled and took out several boxes of hot meals from below, "How can you make Yuanyuan hungry!"

"Wow! They're all round! Thank you, Susu!!!" Xiao Zaizai immediately let go of the hand holding He Chen's neck, struggling to reach the lunch box on the table.

The chef divided the lunch boxes into two piles and gave Xiaoran one pile and Zhan Ming one pile: "This is for you, Yuanyuan's friend is also my friend, isn't it? Hehe."

The five big and three rough men actually laughed out the same smirk from Yu Yuanyuan.

He Chen, who was holding Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, no longer had to bear the burden of lunch boxes.

"Wow! Thank you, Susu, Susu is so boring!" Yu Yuanyuan raised Yuan's paw, and boasted, "Yuanyuan almost washed it off because of hunger, but luckily there was Susu for Yuan Keep it round and eat!"

"Go and eat, it will be cold in a while," the chef immediately urged them to go to the rest area, "Oh, by the way, the bigger lunch box is for Yuanyuan."

Xiao Ran looked down at the lunch box in his hand, and sure enough, he saw two bigger ones.

Compared with other lunch boxes, its size is like the most developed one in a litter.

Finding an empty seat in the rest area, Xiao Ran opened Yu Yuanyuan's lunch box, and even Xiao Zai Zai let out a happy "wow".

"Wow, so delicious~~"

The food in the lunch box is neatly arranged, all of which are light food, including vegetables and meat, and the portions are larger than other lunch boxes.

Even rice of the same size is more filling.

Zhan Ming had an illusion in a trance.

If it weren't for Yu Yuanyuan's light, they might not even have the last box of food!
If it's another shooting location with better conditions, you can order takeaway or something, but it's so remote, there's only one place to eat.

Yu Yuanyuan had already picked up her small spoon, and was happily cooking.

She didn't notice that the people around her were all giving her grateful eyes of "thank you for feeding".

Thanks to her, they can have so many boxes of food that are set aside by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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