The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1618 The last minute is reserved for Baba

Chapter 1618 The last 10 minutes are reserved for Baba
It was because of this!
Shen Ji heard that Yuanyuan took time out of her busy schedule to report her safety, and knowing that she was busy with filming, she didn't ask too many other questions, so as not to waste her precious rest time.

Between the two choices of wanting to hear her voice and making himself depressed, Shen Ji chose the latter without hesitation.

"I'm afraid that Yuanyuan is busy, and I don't want to affect Yuanyuan." Shen Ji told the truth.

His voice was so gentle that Xiao Zai Zai felt a trace of guilt in his heart.

That little brain also quickly reflected on it, did he patronize filming and didn't report to everyone that he was safe?

"But, if you can't listen to Brother Shen Ji's voice more after the filming, Yuanyuan won't be able to sleep~" Yu Zaizai was crooked in the quilt, like a little ball rolling around, "Brother Shen Ji really Is there anything unhappy about Mie? If there is something, you can tell Yuanyuan~~~"

Shen Ji was amused by Yu Zaizai's small tone: "No really, as long as you hear Yuanyuan's voice, no matter how unhappy you are, you will fly away."

"Then~~ That Yuanyuan calls Brother Shen Ji every day~" Xiao Zai Zai laughed on the phone, "Is it okay?"

"It's great to be able to hear Yuanyuan's voice, but if Yuanyuan is busy, you can just send a voice." Shen Ji's gentle words seem to push the little boy into his little trap .

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, Yu Zaizai became more determined to call Shen Ji: "Yuanyuan can tell Uncle Er to stay a little longer~ It's definitely fine~~"

The two chatted for another half an hour, and it wasn't until Xiao Ran came back that she realized that Xiao Douding hadn't slept yet.

"Yuanyuan, are you on the phone with Dad?" Xiao Ran asked in surprise, "Tomorrow you have to get up early to film, go to bed early~"

Even though he thought it was Yu Jinxiao on the other end of the phone, Xiao Ran dutifully reminded her from the perspective of worrying about Xiao Zai Zai.

Hearing Xiao Ran's words, Shen Ji took the initiative to say goodnight to Yu Yuanyuan, and after exhorting a few words similar to what Yu Mingxi said, he hung up the phone reluctantly.

The next day was also full of shootings waiting for Yu Zai Zai.

Seeing that the seven-day deadline was getting closer, Yu Cangnan also wanted to seize every minute of the time.

To be honest, Yu Yuanyuan's performance is already very good. As a three-year-old child who is filming for the first time, her performance is amazing enough.

It's just that filming is a matter that takes time and repeated accumulation, but Yu Yuanyuan has never been impatient or lost his temper in filming again and again.

If it is said that the shooting during the day made this little glutinous rice balls so full that there was no time to think about anything else.

Then what she looked forward to most in the day was to call Baba and her brothers at night.

Another busy day of filming is over.

Only then did Yu Yuanyuan receive her phone and watch.

For filming, all her things are temporarily kept by Xiao Ran.

It was getting dark, but Yu Zaizai's mood brightened.

Today, she applied for half an hour of phone time for her second uncle, and she wanted to call everyone next to each other!
Yu Yuanyuan first chatted with Shen Ji for 10 minutes, then spent 10 minutes chatting with her elder brother and second elder brother, and left the last 10 minutes for Baba~
"Baba~~~" As soon as the call was connected, the little voice of milk whistling floated on the phone, "Yuanyuan misses you~~"

"Really?" Yu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows on the other end of the phone, "Why did you call me so late today?"

"Second Uncle said that Yuanyuan had thirty gray clocks to call~" Yu Zaizai guaguagua told the truth, "The last 10 minutes were with Baba~"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." The chat has allocated time, is this completing the task?

(End of this chapter)

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