The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1619 Maybe he is planning some surprise

Chapter 1619 Maybe he is planning some surprise

"Baba? What are you doing~" the little milk voice asked curiously, "Yuanyuan is talking to Baba~"

This miraculous way of chatting can only be described by Yu Yuanyuan.

"I'm on business."

"Ah duck, is Yuanyuan bothering Baba?"

"It's okay, it's not an interruption," Yu Jinxiao typed on the computer with one hand while making a phone call, "By the way..."

"What happened?"

"It's nothing, you go to bed early."

Originally wanted to tell Yu Yuanyuan a small surprise, but Yu Jinxiao decided to save the surprise until tomorrow afternoon.

"Alright~ Baba has nothing else to say to Yuanyuan?"

"Go to bed early, eat well, and be safe."

There seemed to be no special conversation, but Yu Jinxiao's voice seemed calmer.

"Okay~ Good night, Baba~"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Yuanyuan sat alone on the small bench, as if he had become an unhappy laver rice ball.

Zhan Ming was just passing by, and felt a kind of resentment that he had never seen before from this little dumpling.

"What are you doing?" Zhan Ming asked in surprise after taking a sip of water.

Little Qiuqiu, who has always been happy, seems a little depressed?
He really wondered what in the world could make this little potato unhappy.

"Yuanyuan called Baba..."

"Well, can't you be happy on the phone? Your father scolded you?" Thinking of Zhan Ming, he had a tone of eating melons.

It's a pity that Yu Yuanyuan's little brain can't hear it.

"Yuanyuan has half an hour to call everyone today." Yu Yuanyuan held the claws and the phone watch in his hand, with a very dejected expression on his face, "After finishing the phone call with Shen Ji's brother, brother and second brother , and Baba can chat for 10 minutes, but... only a few words."

When Yu Cangnan called Yu Yuanyuan the time, Zhan Ming also checked the time.

Instead, she had almost 5 minutes left before the time limit.

Was it because her father didn't chat with her that she was so depressed?
"Is your father always so unreasonable?" Zhan Ming asked casually.

The outside world thinks that Yu Yuanyuan is an adopted child, and Zhan Ming is no exception.

He had already imagined the plot that Yu Yuanyuan was not favored at home, and Yu Jinxiao was just showing off his "good father" persona to the outside world.

What kind of caravan, what kind of prepared things are just Yu Jinxiao's way of selling people's designs.

I don't know why, Zhan Ming's suddenly Yu Yuanyuan looks very pitiful.

Obviously since the filming started, he felt that this little potato was a big trouble, and he didn't want to have a word with her except for filming.

But today's cub, a little ball sitting there, looks particularly miserable.

"No, Baba used to chat with Yuanyuan for a long time~" Yu Yuanyuan shook his head and denied it, his facial features crowded together sadly, "But today..."

You are not going to cry, are you? !

Zhan Ming almost choked on a mouthful of water, covered his mouth for a long time, and by the way, thought of various explanations that could convince the children.

But after thinking about it, he felt that the words he could think of were all pale.

Can it work?

"According to what you said, it's abnormal for your father to suddenly talk so little!" Zhan Ming cleared his throat, Gu Zuo was serious, so as to increase the credibility of his words and comfort this little potato.

"What is the restaurant? A place to eat?"

"Anomaly, it's not a restaurant! It means he's different from usual!"

"Oh~~That's right~ Zhan Susu is right! Dad is very happy!"

Zhan Ming was no longer in the mood to correct her mistakes, and casually comforted him: "Maybe he is planning some surprise, don't think too much about it."

(End of this chapter)

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