The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1620 The sound of scalp numbness

Chapter 1620 The sound of scalp numbness

"Food transport is a magic horse!"

"It's brewing, it means...arranging."

"Really! Surprise! Hehehe!" Little Tudou, who was still depressed a second ago, got up and started running around.

She seemed to take his words as a certainty.

Zhan Ming's heart skipped a beat, secretly screaming that something was wrong.

This is the comfort he said casually, if it fails...wouldn't this little potato be even more depressed?
If Little Tudou, who is usually happy, becomes depressed and sad because of his words, wouldn't he become Yu Dao's eternal sinner!
Originally, the shooting progress is very fast now, if Yu Yuanyuan is in a bad mood again, what if it affects the shooting?
Countless guesses and estimated consequences arose in Zhan Ming's heart, he stretched out his arms and stammered, wanting to give Yu Yuanyuan a "vaccination": "I just said it casually, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is a real surprise, you……"

Before she finished speaking, Yu Yuanyuan happily ran to the shooting scene to prepare.

Zhan Ming: "..." It's over.

He seemed to see that the hat of "sinner" had been put on his head.

Yu Yuanyuan's excitement remained until the filming of her scene today.

When Xiao Ran led her back to wash and sleep, Zhan Ming was still looking for a chance to spend time with her alone, to correct his not rigorous guess just now.

Who knows, he has no chance at all! !

Until watching Yu Yuanyuan being taken into the RV by Xiao Ran, and the door was closed, Zhan Ming vaguely felt that things were getting worse.

He shouldn't have planted an indeterminate time bomb, right?

My heart beat wildly, but the rationality that had been drifting away for too long returned to my soul.

Why worry about that little potato?
How can a professional actor be easily affected by trivial things?
Besides, it's just a few words on the phone, she is too difficult to coax!
Zhan Ming forced himself not to think about Yu Yuanyuan, turned around and went back to the set.

Anyway, when he wakes up tomorrow, Yu Yuanyuan's not-so-intelligent little mind should forget everything.

Zhan Ming thought so.

But when she woke up the next day, Mimi washed her face and went to eat, only to see Yu Yuanyuan there from afar.

The little cub who is usually afraid of her when he sees her, today he took the initiative to greet him with a big meat bun.

"Zhansusu~Fake Ann~~" the little face smiled happily, "Baobao is a good bully~"

Zhan Ming: "Oh." He has never been in the mood to judge food.

"Yuanyuan is so happy today, I don't know if Baba will surprise Yuanyuan today~~" Saying that, Yu Zaizai took a bite of the meat bun with great appetite.

Zhan Ming trembled all over, as if awakened by something terrible.

She still remembers this? ? ?
If Yu Jinxiao didn't give her a little surprise tonight, wouldn't he be even more depressed?
Zhan Ming felt more and more that he was a sinner. If he allowed things to go on, the consequences... would be serious!
No, I have to find a chance to be alone and give up Yu Yuanyuan's thought.

But except when filming, Yu Yuanyuan is surrounded by either Xiao Ran or He Chen, and sometimes Yin Hui will intervene.

Zhan Ming never had a chance to talk to this little potato alone.

In the afternoon, when the sun was setting to the west, Zhan Ming's nerves had been tense all day, and he suddenly wanted to smash the jar.

Why should he care so much about this little potato? !

They are not familiar with each other!
She loves so much!
As soon as this idea came to mind, Zhan Ming's eyes just met Xiao Zai Zai who was looking at the scenery.

That clean and innocent look once again poked Zhan Ming's conscience hard.

He shook his heart and strode forward: "Come here, I have something to tell you."

Zhan Ming pointed at Yu Yuanyuan with a serious expression.

The little cub jumped up to him and asked innocently, "What's the matter, Zhan Susu?"

"Yuanyuan..." Before Zhan Ming could speak hastily, a voice that made his scalp tingle sounded not far behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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