The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1622 You don't seem to welcome me

Chapter 1622 You don't seem to welcome me

Among children of the same age, Yu Yuanyuan is indeed the least annoying little potato Zhan Ming has ever seen.

Even many times, she has a very attractive cuteness.

But having said that, if Yu Jinxiao educated well, then Yu Yuanyuan's style would not match Yu Jinxiao at all.

He Shen Meikong and Zhan Ming explained too much, some little secrets he would not gossip behind people's backs, Yuanyuan is his good friend, and Mr. Yu is also his great benefactor.

He will not take the opportunity to use the secrets of Mr. Yu and Yuanyuan to please the curious Zhan Ming.

The two walked towards the direction of the crew together, the closer they got to that end, the more they felt the changes in the surrounding emotions.

Especially Yu Cangnan.

Originally, he was smilingly asking Xiao Ran to ask Yuanyuan to come back and start filming, but when he turned around, seeing the little boy hanging on Yu Jinxiao's body, Yu Cangnan's smile froze.

There was a bang in his head, like a thunderclap on the ground, splitting him apart.

Yu Cangnan just stared blankly at his younger brother who seemed to have fallen from the sky, and asked after a while, "Why are you here?"

That tone was clearly not welcoming, it could even be called despair.

"You don't seem to welcome me here very much." Yu Jinxiao punctured with a single word, and he didn't want to deal with him politely at all.

"Haha, no matter where they are, they are all family members," Yu Cangnan laughed awkwardly, pointed at Yu Yuanyuan, and tried to pull the corner of his mouth to smile and suggested, "Shall we go over and talk?"

Yu Jinxiao put Yu Yuanyuan back on the ground, and patted the small bench next to him: "Wait for me here, I will go talk with my second uncle."

"Okay!" Yu Yuanyuan's round body immediately sat down obediently.

Yu Cangnan hurriedly pulled him into the corner: "Jin Xiao, aren't you? It's only been five days!"

He thought that Yu Jinxiao would come to pick him up earlier, but it was two days earlier! !Two full days!This completely disrupted his shooting plan!

If the plan is messed up, it will not only affect him, but also the arrangements and preparations of all the staff.

Yu Jinxiao knew why Yu Cangnan had that expression when he saw him just now.

The corner of his mouth tugged lightly: "Are you so afraid that I will take Yuanyuan away?"

"I have arranged all the shooting plans. In two weeks, it only takes two full weeks and fourteen days to finish filming all the scenes of Yuanyuan in the desert!" Yu Cangnan emphasized excitedly, "Not only I have arranged, but other work The personnel are also ready, if Yuanyuan leaves today, the plan will be completely disrupted."

"We are a family, not enemies," Yu Jinxiao raised his hand and patted Yu Cangnan's shoulder, "Just because I'm here on the set doesn't mean I'll take Yuanyuan away right away. Besides, it's getting dark, so I'll take her on a night walk ?"

Yu Cangnan was dumbfounded: "You mean..."

"I'll wait for her here for two days, and you can shoot as you plan, don't be nervous."

"Okay... good brother!" Yu Cangnan gave Yu Jinxiao a bear hug.

From the time this younger brother was born, Yu Cangnan seemed unable to remember how many intimate contacts they had.

Not to mention hugs like this, even handshakes are rare.

He can be regarded as a cheerful personality, but Yu Jinxiao is more silent and aloof. These two personalities have not collided much since childhood.

Yu Cangnan didn't expect that he would be so excited because of Yu Yuanyuan that he wanted to hug this younger brother.

"Is there still filming tonight?" Yu Jinxiao still did not change his face, looking at the set shooting location.

"Yes, the plan is tight!" Yu Cangnan subconsciously complained.

As soon as he finished speaking, he screamed in his heart that something was wrong!
If Yu Jinxiao knew that Yu Yuanyuan didn't sleep until 23 o'clock in the past few days, would he get mad? ?
(End of this chapter)

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