The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1623 Planted towards the inside

Chapter 1623 Planted towards the inside

But Yu Jinxiao didn't say that it was Yu Cangnan's greatest luck to take people away. As for other things, he could only take one step at a time.

The bond between Yuanyuan and the crew has nothing to do with contracts or compensation, it's all about emotions.

Yu Jinxiao is not short of money.

So, play the emotional card well, everything is easy to talk about.

Yu Jinxiao looked around the environment of the crew, his eyes were bright or dark, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

Yu Jinxiao, who had never watched Yu Yuanyuan's filming before, was very curious about this little boy's performance.

There was an extra "supervisor" on the scene, Yu Cangnan felt the pressure on his back was a bit heavy, but he couldn't slow down the shooting progress because of this.

Everyone is in their positions, and the next filming will be the scenes of Yu Yuanyuan, Zhan Ming and Yin Hui.

In this scene, Yin Hui couldn't bear to let the child leave and asked Zhan Ming to discuss it, but Zhan Ming firmly refused, and the two quarreled.

Xiao Zai Zai, who had been eavesdropping outside, rushed out sadly, yelling to his parents not to quarrel.

The scenes of Zhan Ming and Yin Hui were filmed first, even though he could only see the situation inside through the window, Yu Jinxiao could feel the man's acting skills.

If it weren't for such a bunch of cameras and staff surrounding him, he would have thought the quarrel was real.

Yin Hui also steadily caught the scene thrown by Zhan Ming, and both of them performed very well.

The quarrels in the house were filmed in various places, and it passed smoothly, and the next part is the part of Yu Yuanyuan.

Xiao Zaizai eavesdropped on the door, then pushed the door open, stepped in and shouted, "Mom and Dad, don't quarrel!"
The idea was smooth, but when shooting... I encountered some troubles.

At the beginning, Yu Yuanyuan lay on the door, and played the eavesdropping appearance very well, from curious to sad, and finally heard her parents quarreling, and couldn't help but go in to persuade them.

But she stretched out her arm and pushed hard against the door——

Oh!The door didn't open at all.

She didn't push it once, but she pushed it twice, but Yu Yuanyuan's strength was too weak, and the door still didn't move at all. I don't know if it was stuck or something went wrong.

Yu Cangnan didn't call for the card right away, and asked Yu Yuanyuan to try to open it two or three times but still couldn't open it, so he called for the card and asked someone to go up and check it.

"The bottom of this door is not smooth, and it's a bit difficult to open." The worker said after checking.

Repairing the door requires accessories and time. After a quick discussion, Yu Cangnan decided to arrange for the two of them to follow Yu Yuanyuan's movement to open the door from the inside.

The secret signal was that Yu Yuanyuan patted the crack of the door lightly, and the door was quickly opened from inside.

"Did Yuanyuan remember?" Yu Cangnan asked as he touched the little head.

"Okay!" The little hand tried hard to bend the index finger and thumb, and made an OK gesture.

Yu Jinxiao watched silently with folded arms.

The little glutinous rice balls didn't seem as silly as he thought.

Especially when he acted just now, his performance was much better than he thought.

It may not be comparable to professional actors, but as a child, her performance is amazing.

Yu Yuanyuan took her place in front of the door, and following the sound of "action", she pretended to be poking around to eavesdrop on the conversation in the room.

However, the wobbly little body suddenly lost its balance, and its claws pressed against the door panel, accidentally making a sound.

The two people inside the door thought it was time to open the door, so they pulled the door panel towards them——

The soles of the unprepared glutinous rice balls slipped, and the whole person fell into it.

(End of this chapter)

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