The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1651 Do you like that little girl surnamed Yu?

Gu Beiyan is not afraid at all.

After all, Wen Ting has a fierce and black face that even strange children are afraid of, especially when he speaks in a loud voice, and his eyes stare at people, as if they can catch people's souls away.

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Wen Ting's appearance, he was ready to face the storm.

"Yes, you boy!" Wen Ting suddenly patted Wen Zifei on the shoulder, and laughed loudly, "You are quite loyal."

Wen Zifei: "..." You are an adult now, can you be more emotionally stable.

Gu Beiyan was shocked, and raised his head to look at the adult in front of him who was much taller than him.

He actually... wasn't scolded? !

Obviously he was the one who smeared the mud on Wen Zifei's face, and he was the one who made Wen Zifei suffer from allergies.

"I've always been worried that Zifei didn't have good friends at school, but now it seems... not bad," Wen Ting said, rubbing Wen Zifei's head again, messing up his hairstyle, "Son, you My father is very happy to have made a true friend."

Wen Zifei: "..." It doesn't matter if you are happy or not.

"I know, if you don't agree, it's impossible for others to smear your face with mud," Wen Ting laughed loudly, and opened up the conversation, "Unless the other party beats you and forces you to smear, and there is the last one Maybe—you want it yourself!"

Yu Yuanyuan who was standing not far away was also a little confused.

She turned her head, looked to the left, then to the right, suddenly smiled brightly, and hugged Wen Zifei: "Thank you, Zifei!"

Even though she didn't quite understand it, she still knew that everyone was doing this to make her happy.

Now that Zifei's face is still "injured", Xiao Zai Zai is very moved.

"Thank you, thank you, there is nothing to thank." Wen Zifei froze, and his cheeks suddenly turned red.

Wen Zifei's skin was fair, and his face was red as if he had applied blush, which was very conspicuous.

"Son, let's go, I'll take you to the hospital." Wen Ting picked up Wen Zifei and waved goodbye to Yu Yuanyuan and Gu Beiyan.

The two children stood at the door of the classroom and watched them leave, while Teacher Su secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

If Yu Yuanyuan and Gu Beiyan hadn't come forward, I'm afraid Wen Ting would not have given up the pursuit so easily.

After all, Wen Zifei had a problem in kindergarten, and Wen Ting himself is a very serious and difficult parent.

Walking out of the kindergarten, Wen Ting was opening the door for Wen Zifei, and suddenly smiled wickedly: "Son, do you like that little girl named Yu?"

Wen Zifei, who was getting into the car calmly, slipped and almost fell into the car seat.

His cheeks became even redder, and he stopped being silent, but shouted back: "Don't talk nonsense, how could I like that little short leg!!!"

"Son, it's normal to like girls, don't feel embarrassed," Wen Ting said as a matter of course, "There must be many people who like good-looking girls, if you are timid and not generous, she will choose someone else. "

"Dad!! I'm only in kindergarten!" Wen Zifei emphasized.

"What does it matter? Age is not the limit of pursuit." Wen Ting pulled Wen Zifei into the child seat and put on the seat belt. "If I hadn't taken the initiative back then, I wouldn't have been able to catch up with your mother, let alone you." !"

Wen Zifei: "..."

"Excellent women can have many choices. Don't think that you can be favored by others by doing nothing."

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