The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1652 I don't know what to eat, I eat fish and silver by mistake

Chapter 1652 I don't know what to eat, I eat fish and silver by mistake

Wen Ting chattered in front of him to remind him.

Completely disregarding that the person I was talking to was just a kindergarten friend.

Not long after Wen Zifei left, Yu Yuanyuan looked a little gloomy.

After Teacher Su finished class, Gu Beiyan immediately went over to offer timely care.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter with you? You don't look very happy!" Gu Beiyan lay on the table, resting his head on his folded arms.

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan touched her cheek and asked in shock, "How could Bei Yan see it, it's so annoying!!"

Chu Qi: "Your brows are frowning."

Different from Yu Yuanyuan's shock, Chu Qi said that it was not difficult.

"Yuanyuan is worried about Zifei, I don't know if his face will be serious." Xiao Zaizai sighed depressed, because of her, Zifei's face turned red in patches.

What if the face is not good enough to be a bird!

This is much more serious and scary than getting a tan!

It's hard for Xiao Zai Zai, who has never seen this battle before, not to be worried.

"If it's really serious...would it be...disfigured!" Gu Beiyan learned a word in the cartoon and used it indiscriminately, "He may not be able to find a girlfriend by then!"

Although Yu Yuanyuan didn't understand much, she was taken aback by Gu Beiyan's tone: "Ah, what should I do about the swelling!"

"Promise with your body?" Chu Qi replied casually.

When Gu Beiyan heard it, he remembered like a live shrimp that had fallen into boiling water, and jumped up, "No! Yuanyuan can't marry Zifei!!"

"Is it Xiami?" Xiao Zai Zai scratched his head in doubt.

"Just marry him."

"That's not allowed," Yu Yuanyuan shook her head vigorously, "When you marry someone, you want to be with him for the rest of your life, that's not allowed."

"That's right, that's right, you can't!" Gu Beiyan was very happy when he heard Yu Yuanyuan's denial, and imitated Yu Yuanyuan's tone to emphasize to Chu Qi.

It's just that what Gu Beiyan thought was that Yuanyuan should marry him, but of course she couldn't marry Wen Zifei.

What Xiao Zaizai thought was that she had already made an appointment to be with Brother Shen Ji for the rest of her life, and if she married someone else, she would have to stay with him for the rest of her life, and Brother Shen Ji would be disappointed.

Although Zai Zai is small, he is very loyal and has promised to do what others say.

If you don't know what to eat, you will eat fish and silver by mistake! (Do unto others, do not impose on others)

Yu Yuanyuan, who had been thinking about Wen Zifei's situation, worried that she would still frown when school was over.

Yu Jinxiao came to pick her up early as usual, and found that Yu Yuanyuan was in the back row with another ball.

The sorting of children is generally in order from the classroom, first come, first served, and the first ones are often the children who are eager to go home and see their family members.

The last and bottom ones are basically those who had fun at school and lingered.

Yu Jinxiao thought that with their father-daughter relationship, Yu Yuanyuan should be the first...

How do you know!
Could it be that the legs are too short, and because they run slowly, they are passed by others and forced to be behind?
Wait, wait, wait until the little glutinous rice balls came out, Yu Jinxiao picked her up and asked casually, "Why are you so far behind that you can't outrun the other students?"

"Yuanyuan walked out slowly~" Xiao Zaizai didn't feel anything wrong at all, "Baba said to walk steadily, not to run too fast, or fall~~"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

It makes sense, but I'm a little bit unwilling that it's a fat thing.

However, the little glutinous rice balls who are always happy and chirping after school on weekdays seem to have a problem today.

"What's the matter? Why are you frowning all the time?" Yu Jinxiao put his finger between the brows and wiped it lightly, but it still couldn't smooth out the little bit of melancholy that was frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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