The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1653 Then what do you want to do, Boss Yuanyuan

Chapter 1653 Then what do you want to do, Boss Yuanyuan
"Zifei's face is too thick." Yu Yuanyuan answered, playing with her fingers.

Too much rice? ?
What does this say?
Encrypted calls between children!
"What is over rice?" Yu Jinxiao put Xiao Zai Zai in the child seat, he couldn't help being stunned, he didn't rush to close the door, he wanted to wait for Xiao Tangyuan to explain this strange word.

Yu Yuanyuan raised her paw and gestured near her little face: "Zifei's face is so red and itchy, almost scratching his face."

Oh, isn't it an allergy?

Over rice is what dence!
Yu Yuanyuan can really associate all words with food.

"It's fine, why are you allergic?" Back in the front row, Yu Jinxiao had already started to turn around and go home.

This inquiry was entirely out of response to the little glutinous rice balls, he was not curious why his son was suddenly allergic.

Hearing Ba Ba's words, Yu Zai Zai quickly raised his claws: "Because...Bei Yan, Zi Fei and Qi Qi want to accompany Yuan Yuan to the gang!"

Yu Jinxiao: "?"

Why does this sound a bit strange.

"What's black together?" After driving for a while in silence, Yu Jinxiao found that he couldn't ignore the curiosity aroused by this sentence.

"Some people say that Yuanyuan is not as tanned as she used to be, so Beiyan, Zifei and Qiqi smeared their faces with mud," Yu Yuanyuan said gesticulating, even though Yu Jinxiao in the front row had no I didn't have time to watch her small movements, "But Zifei's face suddenly went over the rice!"

"Allergy." Yu Jinxiao emphasized without emotion.

"Aw~~~" Yu Yuanyuan nodded obediently, knowing his mistake and not correcting it, "Puba, will the rice be serious? Is it possible to wash it off!"

While driving, Yu Jinxiao explained based on his own understanding: "Not too serious allergies are generally not life-threatening; but for severe allergies, if you don't seek medical treatment in time, you may die."

What! !
It turns out that it is possible to wash off the rice!
For Yu Yuanyuan, washing off is the most invincible and serious consequence in the world.

In her small head, there is only Wen Zifei grinning in pain when she scratches her face, which can be regarded as... serious!
Shouldn't Zifei be washed off? ?

"Baba, Baba," Yu Yuanyuan patted the back of his chair anxiously, "Can you send Zifei a call! Yuanyuan is afraid that Zifei will wash it off!"

"You can fight if you want." Yu Jinxiao, an adult, didn't want to interfere in the communication between children.

"But Yuanyuan's watch is out of battery!"

"Then go home and call from your home phone."

"But if there's no electricity, I can't see Zifei's phone number."

"Then charge it first, then call."

"But after waiting for so long, will Zifei have been washed off..." As he spoke, the little boy in the back row was so sad that his voice trembled.

Children's brain circuits are always weird, and adults sometimes can't connect.

Some people will not take it seriously, and some parents will seriously respond to every little emotion of their children.

Yu Jinxiao frowned slightly, parked the car on the side of the road, turned to look at her from the front row: "Then what do you want to do, Boss Yuanyuan."

"Could you use a mobile phone to call!" Yu Yuanyuan made a clear suggestion.

However, this proposal also has a big flaw.

How could Yu Jinxiao have Wen Zifei's number!
Even if his mobile phone had power, there was no way to call Wen Zifei.

Looking at the anticipation in those big eyes, Yu Jinxiao couldn't bear to let her down.

In Xiao Zai Zai's heart, Ba Ba is an omnipotent existence, and Yu Jinxiao is well aware of this.

He didn't want his image to collapse in Xiaotangyuan's mind.

I don't have Wen Zifei's phone number, but...

Yu Jinxiao opened the address book, and his eyes stopped on the name "Wen Ting".

(End of this chapter)

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