The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1654 Can make an exception once

Chapter 1654 Can make an exception once

Whether there was a phone call, it was a coincidence that I ran into him at a banquet.

Yu Jinxiao met Wen Ting only after being introduced by an acquaintance, and he left his contact information by the way.

Wen Ting is actually quite a talkative person, but his personality is weird, not everyone can get along with him.

After that time, the contact information has been lying in the mobile phone and has no chance to appear.

Yu Jinxiao never expected that their first contact was because of their children.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was waiting for an answer in the back row, did not see Ba ​​Ba for a long time, and Xiao Tangyuan also became anxious: "Ba Ba~~~~~"

The coquettish little milk's voice echoed in the small space, as if it possessed incredible magic power, which made Yu Jinxiao's hesitant nerves jump back to the little glutinous rice balls at the last second.

"Wait a minute," Yu Jinxiao tapped Wen Ting's name without hesitation, "I'll give you the call when it's connected."

The phone rang for a while before someone answered.

Wen Ting's voice was full of doubts: "Yu Jinxiao? Why did you call me suddenly? Is there something wrong?"

"My daughter Yuanyuan wanted to ask about Zifei's situation," Yu Jinxiao replied calmly, "I heard that Zifei is allergic? How is it now?"

"Oh, tell Yuanyuan that Zifei is fine. After seeing the doctor and applying ointment, she is already much better."

Yu Jinxiao covered the microphone, turned his head and said, "Zifei's father said that Zifei is fine."

"Really?" Yu Zaizai's expression was suspicious, as if he felt that even the other party's parents might be deceiving.

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

"Could Yuanyuan talk to Zifei~" Yu Yuanyuan tentatively made the request again.

It turns out that with children, even socially fearful parents can be forced to mingle with other parents.

Fortunately, Yu Jinxiao is not a social fear, but he is not used to directly contacting unfamiliar parents.

But for the sake of the small glutinous rice balls, it is not impossible to make an exception once.

"Father Zifei, can I ask Zifei to talk to Yuanyuan?" Yu Jinxiao's tone was tinged with helplessness, "She is worried and wants to talk to Zifei in person."

"Haha, no problem!" Wen Ting readily agreed, and suddenly he yelled on the phone, "Zi-fei! Come downstairs to answer the phone!"

It seems that after taking Wen Zifei home, Wen Ting didn't go to the company and stayed at home with his son.

"Who is it?" Wen Zifei's impatient voice drifted over from the microphone.

"It's Yuanyuan's father calling. He said that Yuanyuan wanted to talk to you." There was a second of silence on the other end of the phone, and Wen Ting's order sounded, "Slow down, be careful not to fall!"

"Okay, stop talking!" Wen Zifei's voice seemed to be retorting to his father.

After a pause for a few seconds, there was a voice that regained its composure.

"Hello," Wen Zifei's voice sounded, "Is it Yuanyuan?"

Yu Jinxiao immediately handed the phone to Yu Yuanyuan.

Xiao Tangyuan held a mobile phone about the size of a face melon, and smiled so much that her eyes narrowed: "Crooked, right and wrong~"

"Well, it's me."

"How are you swollen~ won't you wash it off?" Xiao Zai Zai's voice was milky and nervous.

Wen Zifei curled his lips and replied, "How can I die, it's just a skin allergy on my face!"

"Baba said that the rice is too serious, and it may be washed off!" Yu Yuanyuan's small voice suddenly became extremely serious.

To be honest, Wen Zifei was also a little scared by Yu Yuanyuan's words.

After all, they are all kindergarten children, and they don't understand some things thoroughly.

(End of this chapter)

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