The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1663 There is only one explanation—greedy!

Chapter 1663 There is only one explanation—greedy!

The next scene cuts to the part that He Chen knows.

Yu Yuanyuan sent food to He Chen who was half-starved, but she was not invited by the proprietress to eat.

Even this little cub who had just eaten had a meal.

Yu Jinxiao's eyes became darker and darker.

When the little glutinous rice balls were carrying him on their backs, they actually ate so many things quietly! !
If it were any other child, she would definitely have an upset stomach, but she seems... Never had a problem with eating.

Is her belly a little black hole?

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan showing off her food on the TV screen, Yu Jinxiao couldn't help thinking carefully about her appetite.

If he hadn't brought Little Tudou for a physical examination every year, he really suspected that she had some strange disease.

Otherwise, how could a little cub eat so many things!


Thinking of this, the sound of Xiao Zai Zai swallowing suddenly came from beside him.

Yu Jinxiao squinted his eyes and found that the little glutinous rice ball opened its mouth slightly, staring eagerly at the chicken leg on the screen, with a gleam of light hanging from the corner of its mouth.

You don't even need to look to know it's saliva!
I just had dinner, isn't this too outrageous?
It is impossible to be hungry, there is only one explanation-greedy!

However, what the boss and the proprietress said to He Chen later moved everyone very much.

The camera was pinned on Xiao Zai Zai and He Chen, and the camera did not follow into the store at first.

Everything that happened happened naturally, without any deductive elements.

Just then, the program went into commercials.

Yu Mingxi casually clicked into the comments and took a look: "This store seems to have become a new online celebrity check-in place, and the boss's business is so good."

In fact, Shen Ji saw this comment yesterday, pretending to be aware of it, and replied: "Really."

"Boss and aunt are good money! They helped Yuanyuan and Brother Haohao!" Xiao Zaizai raised his claws and said in the tone of the time, "I hope the boss and aunt can make a lot of money. ~"

"Hahahahaha, Yuanyuan's little voice is so cute." Yu Yingze laughed wildly while clutching his stomach.

Even though this was a live broadcast several days ago, the popularity has not dropped at all, but has an upward trend.

Many people on Weibo posted a video of going to the boss's store to open it.

The shop is still a shop with simple decoration, but there are densely packed people sitting inside, and there are dozens of benches at the door outside, which are also full of people.

Some people even didn't get a small bench to sit on, so they had to stand and wait for the number.

"Damn it, why didn't I find this restaurant with good taste and good owner before!"

“Highly recommend the cold chicken!!”

"I only got there last night, and the cold chicken has been sold out TAT."

Yu Mingxi even saw a video of the boss being shot on Weibo.

The person who posted the video was a UP host who came to this store to queue up for 3 hours and made an evaluation.

I thought this store was an overhyped online celebrity store, but after trying it, the owner of UP was full of praise for the food in the store, and even took a special "interview" with the boss.

"I remember that kid and that handsome guy," the proprietress said, and patted the boss on the shoulder with a smile. "At that time, I didn't know it was a show, but I just thought...they were pretty good-looking, so I thought it was..."

"I thought it was a new type of fraud!" The boss added sheepishly.

The UP owner also laughed when he heard it: "The boss's anti-fraud awareness is pretty good!"

"Actually, our store has been open for many years. We have experienced troughs, and we have survived stumbling until now," the proprietress said, her eyes turned red, thinking that she was going to face the camera, while trying to smile, tears kept falling down "At that time, I planned to transfer the store out at the end of this month, but I didn't expect that this would suddenly attract a lot of attention."

(End of this chapter)

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