Chapter 1664
The boss also had red eyes, and the iron man patted the boss lady's shoulder tenderly.

"There must be some reluctance to give up. This store has been open since my grandfather, but..." The proprietress choked up and couldn't continue, and suddenly smiled to adjust her mood, "There are many old customers, but the economic downturn , the rent and utilities are very difficult.”

"It's really thanks to that... little friend Yuanyuan and that young man named He Chen," the boss smiled honestly, with tears in his eyes, "when the show aired, many people came to eat at the store, and they didn't seem to expect us at first. The taste is so delicious, ordering a large table is just to check in.”

"However, as they ate and ate, what they discussed was no longer just the children and the young man, but they were full of praise for the taste of the food."

The boss's hand on his knee clenched his fist lightly: "That's great!"

"That's right," the proprietress rushed to say, "Thanks to the kid and that young man who gave us a free advertisement, the food we make can't disappoint everyone who comes here admiringly."

He Chen looked at the screen of the phone, he was already crying tears because he was emotionally sensitive.

He didn't start, afraid of being seen by others.

If I had known it earlier, I would have gone back to the lounge to watch it, and it would be easier to be noticed if I got up and left now.

The boss's words of "young man" made He Chen feel a kind of kindness and gratitude from others.

In fact, the words of the boss at the beginning also gave him a lot of encouragement.

Whenever he fell into a trough, his mind would unconsciously flash the natural and casual comfort of the boss and the boss's wife.

Compared with the pressure they faced, He Chen felt that he was not at the point where he couldn't survive.

As long as he doesn't care about those empty things, the pressure will naturally be much less.

"Second brother, what do you mean..." I put my head together to read the comments on Weibo, and pointed my little finger at the one that recommended cold chicken.

"Oh, netizens said that the cold chicken in this store is delicious."

"Cold chicken is amazing!!!" Xiao Zaizai asked with his eyes wide open, drooling.

Yu Yingze also swallowed his saliva, especially after seeing the picture of the food, it is his favorite spicy food! !

"It's spicy, you don't like it, but I like it."

"Ah duck, will it be very spicy? Yuanyuan also wants to taste a little bit."

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

Wake up, you are just looking at the pictures, not sitting in the store and eating!

Soon it played to the place where He Chen was most worried——

Discomfort with fans.

Met his fan outside the store, wanted to take a photo with him, but Yu Yuanyuan was squeezed so hard that he fell over.

He Chen immediately lost his face, and was listed as a hot search on Weibo that day, saying that he dumped fans and played big names.

Even though there were passers-by who helped to explain, they were soon overwhelmed by He Chen's black fans and dared not speak. After all, He Chen's reputation at that time was not very good, and the black fans were overwhelming.

The faces of those fans were coded in the show, but the matter was not eliminated by the show team, but released as it was.

There are two shooting positions, one is following Yu Yuanyuan, and the other is He Chen.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but the two shots were placed side by side in the later stage, as if they were different perspectives of the same timeline.

Those groups of people crowded forward to talk to He Chen, Yu Yuanyuan didn't even have time to hide, and was hit by someone's knee and squatted down.

Even though he was sitting on the ground, the little body didn't cry, but his eyes were a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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