The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1670 Can't grab breakfast with Yu Jinxiao's daughter

Chapter 1670 Can't grab breakfast with Yu Jinxiao's daughter
In a harmonious atmosphere, after learning that Xiao Tangyuan's father is "Tulip", they fell into silence for about five seconds.

If they hadn't realized that the camera in the room was still being filmed and it was in front of Yu Yuanyuan, the two of them would have been able to take more direct actions.

The smile was like a burnt candle, disappearing bit by bit, and only the deep fear settled in the eyes.

Looking at this small change, Yu Jinxiao really didn't understand what he had done to scare them like this.

Yu Yingze, who was closer, saw the trickiness in his father's expression, and explained, " sometimes look quite fierce."

Yu Jinxiao: "?" Did I ask you, which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted.

"I was on the Internet before and saw that you ruined other people's companies."

Yu Jinxiao: "?" He has ruined too many companies, but not for nothing.

"It must be that he competed by abnormal means. I will only use legal means to make him bankrupt."

"Then I also saw on the Internet that you threw a beautiful sister out of the upstairs."

Yu Jinxiao: "?" Outrageous!
How can things be spread in such a mess!
"You kid doesn't understand," Yu Jinxiao held his forehead, "In short, she climbed out of the window by herself."

During that time, Yu Jinxiao had been divorced for a while, and some women who were ready to move wanted to take this opportunity to become the new Mrs. Yu, and they would not hesitate to do it when they found an opportunity.

It's a pity that Yu Jinxiao didn't give them a chance at all, and those who tried to dedicate themselves were kicked out of the room by him.

But the most troublesome time was because he lost his temper, which frightened the woman not to pass by him, to leave from the door, and finally wanted to climb down the window on the second floor.

As a result, one foot slipped, and he accidentally fell downstairs, breaking his ankle.

In the end, it was reported that Yu Jinxiao threw him down.

"Then you buried alive a traitor who sold information to other companies?" Yu Yingze asked again.

Yu Jinxiao really wanted to find out, what kind of messed things did Yu Yingze read on the Internet at such a young age? !
"The person who buried him was a usurer he owed money to himself. What does it have to do with me?"

In front of his son, Yu Jinxiao did not admit that he did have the idea of ​​teaching these people a lesson.

But somewhere, it seems that everything coincidentally avoided the opportunity for him to do it. In the end, the group of people learned a lesson, but he did not do it himself.

The things Yu Yingze listed are not limited to the ones that Yu Yingze listed, they can be counted for one night.

For some reason, Yu Jinxiao suddenly thought of Yu Yuanyuan, and glanced at that little Tangyuan from the corner of his eye.

She was so absorbed in watching the program on TV that she didn't notice Baba's gaze at all.

On the second day of the show, Yu Zaizai got up early in the morning and packed his luggage alone.

Yu Jinxiao frowned, thinking of the hill where she packed her luggage before, she couldn't help asking: "You actually pack your luggage by yourself?"

"Of course," Xiao Zai Zai shook his meaty claws, "Just put the things out and put them in!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

She doesn't have a luggage list in her head, so she can't prepare it by herself, but if she packs it and takes it with her, she will pack it all by herself.

You only need to put the things you took out and put them back, that is, "package".

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Zai Zai, who had packed his luggage, rushed out one earlier in order to grab breakfast, in order to be the first to get breakfast.

At the same time, there were many adult guests running wildly together.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, Yu Yuanyuan originally ran the slowest, but gradually the speed of the others became slower and slower, making her the first.

Yu Zaizai outside the screen pointed at himself who ran first, and signaled triumphantly: "Baba, look, Yuanyuan No.1!"

Yu Jinxiao couldn't be happier.

Because he clearly saw that Jin Man's mouth was saying "Yuanyuan is Yu Jinxiao's daughter" to others.

Well, they couldn't compete with Yu Jinxiao's daughter for breakfast, so everyone slowed down.

(End of this chapter)

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