The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1671 The last one you care about most

Chapter 1671 The last person you care about most

"Well, it's amazing." Yu Jinxiao agreed calmly.

If you are the first to grab breakfast, it will be great for you.

Although the main reason is that others let her.

Yu Yuanyuan on the screen started to eat breakfast, put the biscuits in his pocket, and murmured that he would bring them to Baba to eat.

Everyone who already knew that Yu Jinxiao himself went to the scene knew Xiao Zai Zai's intentions as soon as they heard it.

She must be worried that Dad didn't have anything to eat in the RV, and wanted to bring him some breakfast.

But because he promised his father not to let others know his identity, he couldn't pretend too much.

Cub, who usually has a good appetite, actually left a lot of biscuits in order to bring them to his father.

Yu Jinxiao is too familiar with Yu Yuanyuan's character, he knows the meaning of every little look and gesture she makes.

The gluttonous glutinous rice balls must have endured a great test if they could resist leaving him the biscuits!

The little head next to him was fluffy against his shoulder, and his small eyes were watching the TV very intently.

The old father's heart skipped a beat, he raised his palm to gently cover the little head, and rubbed it lightly.

The little head reflexively arched into the palm of his hand, looking as cute as possible.

In the video, there is a shot of Yu Yuanyuan looking outside the crowd, Xiao Zai Zai finally finds his father, and Da Da Da runs forward to give him his biscuit.

At that time, Yu Jinxiao didn't know that she left the biscuits on purpose, so he thought it was just a random gift.

Knowing the truth, he shed tears (not really).

"Yuanyuan only knows to leave delicious food for Dad," Yu Yingze deliberately complained, pretending to fold his hands in displeasure, "Why didn't you think of me?"

"Ah duck," Xiao Zai Zai took it seriously, and quickly stretched out his claws to grab Yu Yingze's hand, "Yuanyuan's snacks... are so many! Second brother can eat it!!"

"Really? Then I'll take them all!"

"Yes... yes." Although the little face was a little sad, she still answered quite frankly.

Yu Yingze finally felt a little more at ease.


He is the bottom of the food chain of the whole family, the last one that Yu Yuanyuan cares most about!
If he doesn't get back some ground, Yu Yingze will definitely feel unhappy.

"Mr. Yu's outfit is quite rare." Aunt Chen sighed in surprise.

I'm used to seeing Yu Jinxiao in suits and leather shoes, but this casual attire makes him look younger and more energetic.

It would be nice if the color wasn't all this uniform black.

Yu Jinxiao also regretted that he was wearing all black.

It's not that he is dispatched at night. Among a large group of colorful clothes, his black suit and outstanding height make him a more conspicuous target.

In addition, he had already been exposed by the camera in the RV before, and the camouflage picture at this time made him look more like a joke.

However, seeing Yu Yuanyuan carefully handing him biscuits, Yu Jinxiao seemed to have returned to the current state of mind, feeling a little sour for no reason.

At that time, he was only worried about being discovered by others, and he didn't seem to have a good taste of the biscuits.

If he is given another chance, he will definitely use the slowest speed to let the taste of biscuits stay on the taste buds for a longer time.

Thinking of this, Yu Jinxiao felt a little bit of regret in his heart because of these seemingly insignificant things to others.

Run your fingers over your eyes to wipe away the itchiness.

Before Yu Jinxiao opened his eyes, Yu Yingze suddenly screamed beside him: "Dad, are you crying!!"

(End of this chapter)

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