The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1672 Just eat and drink casually like this?

Chapter 1672 Just eat and drink casually like this?
Yu Jinxiao: "?" What the hell!

Don't talk nonsense, please!
"My eyes are itchy!!" Yu Jinxiao retorted loudly.

Yu Yingze leaned on the armrest of the sofa with a look of "I'm very indebted" and smiled: "It's okay, we all understand."

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

"Baba, Baba, don't cry!" Xiao Tangyuan also rushed over to join in the fun, and pinched Yu Jinxiao's fingers with her little claws, "Leave all the biscuits after Yuanyuan to Baba!"

"Yuanyuan, what about me?" Yu Yingze picked up which pot he didn't open.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zai Zai didn't even think about it, and his little face was even a bit serious: "I have to feed Ba Ba first, and if Ba Ba doesn't eat the second brother, he can eat it!"

Whoa, what order is this?When he is the household trash can?
Yu Yingze didn't expect that he dug a hole for himself and was mercilessly attacked by Xiao Zai Zai.

But Yu Jinxiao is very satisfied with this, it can be seen that he is still in the most important position in Xiaotangyuan's heart.

On the screen, He Chen screamed in panic, breaking the warmth in front of the screen.

His face was pale, as if Yu Yuanyuan had disappeared, and he was so frightened that he lost his soul.

Yu Jinxiao believed that at that moment, He Chen must have imagined a lot of scaring himself in his mind.

Unexpectedly, Yu Zaizai suddenly appeared, and He Chen quickly grabbed her and gave her a "training".

Say you can't run away alone, what if you get lost.

Unexpectedly, the silly-looking little glutinous rice balls actually said in an orderly manner that with the cameraman uncle following them, they would not get lost.

That's how Baba looked for her back then.

After the little glutinous rice ball finished speaking, she still sighed to herself, it turned out that not everyone can do what Baba can do.

Yu Jinxiao frowned.

Unexpectedly, when he didn't know, this little glutinous rice ball also said good things about him.

In particular, seeing He Chen's wonderful expression, the joy of the program turned upwards.

Yu Jinxiao sketched a faint smile in satisfaction, and suddenly covered the little head next to him with his palm.

But within two seconds, Yu Jinxiao saw the little glutinous rice balls throwing dice with the little brother from the milk tea shop again, and got a cup of milk tea in the end.

What are these for! !

Recording a program is drinking milk tea and eating egg tarts!
"Yu Yuanyuan, you usually eat and drink so casually in the program group? Huh?" Yu Jinxiao's voice was no longer smiling, it was even a bit cold.

Xiao Tangyuan, who was watching with gusto, hadn't realized what her father wanted to express, she turned her head, and was about to go back, when she suddenly met Shen Ji's gaze.

Brother Shen Ji's eyes were clearly reminding her not to talk nonsense.

The relaxed little cub felt his skin being taut, and adjusted his sitting posture unconsciously: "Yuanyuan doesn't drink often...the show...occasionally in the show..."

The guilty little Tangyuan hesitated, and couldn't think of a good excuse with her brain.

But at least, Shen Ji's eyes prevented her from accidentally confessing more facts that might be punished.

Just when Yu Yuanyuan was stammering, and it took several times to speak clearly, the big hand that was originally placed on the top of her head slowly slid to the back of her neck.

Yu Zaizai shrank his neck stiffly, not daring to move, like a kitten caught in a trap, his little eyes kept looking aside nervously.

"Pu...PuPu?" Xiao ZaiZai's voice was like a kitten humming.

Yu Yingze looked at his father's gloomy face, and knew that he was "moved" just now, but now the little cub is "not daring to move".

(End of this chapter)

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