The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1674 A stumbling block on the road to success

Chapter 1674 A stumbling block on the road to success
At the end of the game session, Yu Yuanyuan once came to him to throw dice.

It stands to reason that with Yu Yuanyuan's luck, the result of 666 is unquestionable, but...Yu Jinxiao did not throw 666.

Where the hell is going wrong?

He kept staring at every detail in the camera, and He Ran found that before the dice were called to his hand, one of them passed through He Chen's hand, not Yu Yuanyuan's.

At that time, Yu Jinxiao was completely immersed in a single mood that he didn't want to be discovered, and he didn't have time to observe these small details that were easily overlooked.

Could it be because of He Chen that he missed the 666?

"What's going on, it's so strange." Yu Yingze was also very surprised by the result of Yu Jinxiao's dice roll, "I thought it must be 666! Why didn't it work when I came to Dad?"

"It's so strange~" Xiao Tangyuan echoed Yu Yingze's words with a milky voice.

"Yuanyuan's good luck never seems to miss." Yu Mingxi remembered every detail clearly when watching the show, "The only two times when she didn't hit 666, it seems to have something to do with the person who handed the dice."

"That's right, one of the dice was handed by He Chen," Shen Ji observed clearly after watching it for the second time, "In this way, the dice should not be able to directly transfer Yuanyuan's good luck to achieve the result of 666 .”

"Hey, is that so?" Yu Yingze scratched his head, he didn't pay attention to these small details when he was watching.

Yu Jinxiao also discovered what they had discovered.

It's just that now, in front of audiences all over the country, his father, who traveled all the way to see the cub, has become a stumbling block on Yu Yuanyuan's road to success.

Even if it's because He Chen touched the dice, people who don't know the inside story will not discover this rule.

"Wow, Dad, you still have a video camera!" Yu Yingze's fussy voice sounded, "Is it fun to use a video camera?"

I don't know if Xie Xin was against him on purpose, but he actually chose the scene shot by Yu Jinxiao carrying the camera.

The old father has cute babies in his eyes. Although Yu Jinxiao is a person who has never touched photographic equipment, the Yu Yuanyuan in his lens is very cute.

Round, white and tender, the light above the head illuminates this little ball like a cute elf.

The fluttering eyelashes are like a cute little feather fan that reflects a little light in the sun.

"Jie... Is Jie Yuanyuan shot by Ba Ba!" Yu Zaizai raised his claws in shock and gestured desperately.

Because Susu, who was carrying the camera, was chosen by her to roll the dice, the camera should be in Ba Ba's hand.

Yu Jinxiao gave a calm "hmm".

"Wow wow wow, Baba is so good!" Yu Yuanyuan fussed and yelled on the sofa, "Baba's shooting is amazing! Baba can do anything!"

Regarding this exaggerated compliment, Yu Jinxiao remained calm.

He doesn't know everything, at least he won't eat so many things in one meal like this little glutinous rice balls!
Just when everyone thought this episode was the climax of the show, He Chen lived up to everyone's expectations and delivered a huge laugh.

After the cameraman threw 666, Yu Jinxiao returned the camera. Standing there, He Chen saw him motionless, regarded Yu Jinxiao as his fan, and offered to sign him.

Even though Yu Jinxiao was wearing a mask, his only two eyes showed strong emotions.

He Chen who happened to see this place had already forgotten how to breathe, and wished he could find a tofu and bump his head to death.

The Yu family, amidst the laughter, Yu Yingze suddenly proposed: "I want to see the barrage here!"

(End of this chapter)

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