The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1675 The Embarrassing Mistake I Made Again

Chapter 1675 The Embarrassing Mistake I Made Again
Yu Jinxiao: "..." It's really a pot that should not be mentioned.

In fact, it's not just Yu Yingze, everyone is curious about what the netizens are talking about.

Even if you can watch it privately in the video, the curiosity at this moment has swelled to the point of exploding.

When someone made this suggestion, whether they made a sound or not, they all wanted to know what the barrage was talking about.

This scene is so funny.


There was a time gap in the show. At that time, Yu Jinxiao thought that he was covering up well, and he never wanted to reveal too much personal information. No matter what others asked him to do, he did not reveal his identity casually, but silently agreed to calm things down.

And at that time, He Chen didn't know that the person in front of him was Yu Yuanyuan's father——Yu Jinxiao, and thought that the other party was his fan, so he wanted an autograph before leaving.

Fortunately, Yu Yuanyuan had clamored to give Yu Jinxiao her autograph at that time, otherwise... the embarrassing atmosphere had already caused everyone who knew the truth to buy a retirement villa for He Chen and Yu Jinxiao.

It's nothing to do with hanging up high.

The entire Yu family, except for Yu Jinxiao, probably wants to know what the barrage is talking about.

"Then I turned it on?" Yu Yingze, who was in charge of screen projection, had already landed his finger on the top of the phone screen.

"No!" Yu Jinxiao sternly said, "What if it affects Yuanyuan's mood."

"Yuanyuan can't read words!" Yu Yingze said, his hands were faster than his voice, and the action of opening the bullet screen was completed.

I saw densely packed characters floating on the top of the screen, and the ultra-clear 4K TV set covering the wall displayed each character very clearly.

However, in the entire Yu family, there is not a single person who is short-sighted.

"Pfft." Yu Mingxi was already watching the barrage seriously, and laughed while covering his mouth.

[My toes have already helped He Chen dig out the retirement villa in his next life. 】

【Mom, I have committed the embarrassment again. 】

【Yo, Yu Jinxiao is a fan of He Chen, why didn't I know? [doge]]

[Later, Yu Jinxiao made a fortune relying on He Chen's signature...]

Yu Jinxiao's face was cold, like a black-faced Buddha, with a terrifying coldness around him.

He has always been able to scare people when he is quiet and sullen, but today everyone seems to be bold enough to watch the barrage, covering their mouths and secretly laughing.

"Baba, there are so many words on it, what are you talking about?" Yu Yuanyuan sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and raised her round paw to signal.

Fortunately, this little glutinous rice ball still can't read, so I don't know what those people are discussing.

"It's nothing, just some irrelevant words." Yu Jinxiao seemed to have found the only person in the whole family who could maintain the same frequency as himself.

"Aw~~quack~" After saying that, the little cub beside him suddenly laughed, so happy.

"What are you laughing at?!" Yu Jinxiao turned his head in surprise, "Can you understand the barrage?"

Yu Yuanyuan tilted her head and asked, "What is an egg curtain?"

"It's the words on the top of the screen," Yu Yingze rushed to explain, "It's everyone's discussion on this paragraph."

"Oh~~ Yuanyuan doesn't understand."

"Then what are you laughing at?"

"I just think it's delicious. My brother asked Dad if he wanted an autograph. It's kind of funny."

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Do you know what a joke is? It's so funny!

Now it's all right, he thought that Yu Yuanyuan was the only cub in the whole family who could keep calm, but now...

Even the corner of Shen Ji's mouth had a restrained smile.

He, Yu Jinxiao, actually became the laughing point of others in the show!
【I'm dying of laughing, why is Yu Jinxiao so cute, he really deserves to be Yuanyuan's father. 】

[I suspect that Yuanyuan is his long-lost biological daughter, this kind of cuteness must be inherited in the same strain! 】

Among the many bullet screens, Yu Jinxiao saw this unique statement at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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