The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1683 No one is allowed to hack him

Chapter 1683 No one is allowed to hack him
Unlike Qiu Yang's live broadcast, Yu Yuanyuan sat in the camera from the very beginning, obediently putting her hands on her lap.

She didn't know that she had already clicked on the live broadcast, she blinked her eyes and waited for Yu Yingze to express her opinion.

Yu Yingze made an OK gesture, indicating that Yu Yuanyuan's recording had started.

Unexpectedly, this little ball didn't understand at all, and was still giggling, and said an OK to him.

Yu Yingze: "..."

Yu Mingxi was even amused by Yu Yuanyuan.

"I mean the live broadcast has already started, you can start what you want to say." Yu Yingze's low reminder came from the camera, speaking quickly and softly.

Even so, this voice was successfully captured by netizens.

[Wow, is the second brother of the Yu family recording?Great things can be done at a young age! 】

【How can you be sure that the eldest son of the Yu family is not recording? 】

【Curious, does Yu Jinxiao care about this kind of thing? It's actually his youngest son who comes forward. 】

[Perhaps everyone in the Yu family can be alone (except Yuanyuan)]

"Aw~~~" Yu Zaizai retracted his smiling face, and looked at the camera solemnly, "Everyone howling~~ Qiu...Qiu Yang, I saw your live broadcast Yuanyuan! You are already a good kid now! Continue Come on~~~ That's right, you are Yuanyuan's friend!"

After finishing speaking, the little face showed a cute smile towards the camera.

In fact, there is not much to say. From Yu Yuanyuan's point of view, the interaction between herself and Qiu Yang is no different from being sent a voice message.

It took only a minute or two to finish her own words, and there was still a lot of time when she was giggling at the camera.

Yu Yingze waited for quite a while, seeing that she just smiled and didn't speak, and asked in a subdued voice, "Is it finished?"

"Hey, I'm done talking, but I can say a little bit more~" After finishing speaking, Yu Zaizai relaxed and played with his fingers, "Can a lot of people see this live broadcast?"


"Oh~~~ Thank you, Yuanyuan, for your support~" Xiao Zai Zai shook his body embarrassingly, "I hope everyone likes... likes..."

As he spoke, two clearer question marks appeared in those big eyes.

"What's the matter, Yuanyuan?" Yu Mingxi vaguely felt that she seemed to have forgotten something, and silently signaled with her mouth.

"What's the name of the show, Yuanyuan suddenly forgot." Xiao Zhuozhao scratched her head and giggled sheepishly.

In just three to four minutes, the number of viewers of the live broadcast directly soared to over ten million.

"It's 1+1 cute." Yu Yingze was no longer in the mood to lower his voice, "You have such a good memory."

[I heard that the eldest brother of the Yu family has a good temper. From the tone of his speech, one can tell that it must be the second brother of the Yu family. 】

[The little second brother has done his duty to show us Yuanyuan, no one is allowed to blackmail him! ! 】

"Oh, yes~~" Yu Yuanyuan patted his legs, "Everyone must continue to support the hottest one plus one~~"

Just after finishing speaking, the door of the room was pushed open, and Yu Jinxiao's voice floated in from outside the camera.

"Yu Yuanyuan, why haven't you slept yet?"

"Ah~" Xiao Zai Zai screamed in fright, and the live camera was turned off in a panic.

A group of netizens who were watching the live broadcast secretly scolded Yu Jinxiao a hundred times in their hearts!

The cub they finally saw was interrupted like this!Beep!
"Still broadcasting?" Yu Jinxiao pushed the door with his palm, looking at the three children in the room.

Yu Yingze shook his head quickly: "No, it's over!"

"Yes!" Xiao Zai Zai also put on a guilty look.

Yu Jinxiao asked Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi to go back to the room to rest, and stayed behind to wash and sleep for Yu Zaizai.

That small body lay obediently under the quilt, the protruding part was only a short section, like an enlarged version of a small peanut.

"Baba~~Yuanyuan went to film this time, did she just... go alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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