The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1684 I'm leaving tomorrow

Chapter 1684 I'm leaving tomorrow

It can be seen that Yu Yuanyuan likes his company very much, but she also knows that it is impossible to have Ba Ba's company every time, so she tries not to have too much hope.

The little eyes came out a little bit from the edge of the quilt, looking carefully.

Yu Jinxiao didn't answer right away, he enjoyed the expectations that this little glutinous rice ball had for him.

Seeing that Ba Ba didn't speak, Xiao Zai Zai thought that there was no hope, so he closed his eyes obediently: "Yuan Yuan is sleeping."

This trick of playing hard to get won't work on Yu Jinxiao.

Sure enough, the big eyes closed for a while, and one quietly opened to look.

Finding that Yu Jinxiao was still sitting on the edge of the bed, he closed it in a panic.

"I'm just going to Xize City to continue talking about the cooperation that was not finalized last time," Yu Jinxiao replied flatly, "I can accompany you to the set."

"Wow—" Xiao Zai Zai, who was pretending to be asleep, opened his eyes at once, and couldn't hide the glowing eyes.

"However, I can't stay with you for a long time on the set. The filming is still up to you."

Yu Jinxiao's tone of voice was very decisive, which made Xiao Zai Zai less happy.

She originally thought that Baba would accompany her, but it turns out...

But if this little glutinous rice ball continues to film, she will have a lot of time to rely on herself in the future. Yu Jinxiao just hopes that she can adapt in advance.

Perhaps it should be said that he has to learn to adapt together.

However, Xiao Zai Zai, who had no hope at all, immediately felt much better when he heard that Ba Ba said that he would go to Xize City together.

In the children's dictionary, being in the same city as Baba is not too far apart, and it is another kind of "accompanying".

That's better than one in the desert and one at home separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.

"Go to sleep." Yu Jinxiao tucked in the quilt, and gently patted that round body with his palm.

Time at home flies by quickly.

Coming home from school on Monday, Yu Yuanyuan saw Baba packing the suitcase in the room.

Xiao Zai Zai was stunned at the door, and asked in a low voice: "Ba Ba, why did you pack... pack the big box!!"

Yu Jinxiao glanced at her, and kept moving his hands: "We're leaving tomorrow, have you packed your luggage?"

"Karma?!" Xiao Zai Zai, who had no concept of time, was stunned, "Will Yuan Yuan not tell Bei Yan, Qi Qi and Zi Fei when school is over today, will they be sad~"

"If something is missing from your packing tonight, I know you'll be sad too."

After Baba said this, Xiao Zaizai immediately rushed into the room and pulled out his luggage, and began to stuff his precious snacks into it.

In fact, it is impossible for Yu Jinxiao to rely on her to pack her luggage, and she has to leave it to Aunt Chen to be reliable.

Yu Zaizai was in a hurry, but it turned out that Aunt Chen and Sister Bei packed up the serious things, and all she brought were snacks and toys.

As for the caravan that was going to be driven to the film crew, Yu Jinxiao had already had all the parts of the car body inspected, and replaced some short-lived food and first aid supplies in the refrigerator.

We set off early the next morning.

Yu Yuanyuan was in a sleepy state, and didn't feel much sadness of parting.

As soon as he got in the car, that little head didn't lift up properly.

Sleep in the car, sleep in the plane, and continue to sleep in the car after getting off the plane.

It was not until the meal time around noon that her little stomach barely woke her up.

In a daze, Yu Yuanyuan felt that the atmosphere in the car seemed a bit strange, and brother He Shuxuan, who was driving, looked solemn and kept looking at the rearview mirror.

"What... what's the matter?" Xiao Zai Zai was also affected by the tense atmosphere in the car.

 There will be four more days starting tomorrow~ Please recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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