Chapter 1687
"I remember you, you come to the birthday party every year, right?" He Chen suddenly turned the conversation to the three girls.

When the girls heard this, they suppressed their excitement and nodded desperately: "Yes, the three of us come together every year!"

"Are you good friends?"

"Yes, we have been good friends since elementary school, and have been good until now!"

There was a bit of complacency in the tone of the three girls.

He Chen is quite envious of this kind of friendship, everyone has the same preferences and goals, no matter what they do, they can work together in sync, and walk together in pursuit of what they like.

The RV slowly stopped in its previous position.

Everyone had a tacit agreement to leave it empty to park Yu Yuanyuan's special RV.

The girls also knew it well, and felt that there was nothing wrong with this operation.

It would be uncomfortable for them to stay in this kind of place for an hour. Yuanyuan is still so small, and her family has money and power to improve her environment. What's the problem?

In fact, the three girls had occasionally visited He Chen's crew before, but this time it was the place where they traveled the farthest and had the toughest environment.

He Chen immediately handed them a few bottles of mineral water, and found some cakes and bread, in case they were hungry.

The three girls immediately opened their backpacks, which were full of food, as if they had made plans long ago.

"Wow - so delicious!" Yu Yuanyuan was held in He Chen's arms, her height advantage could clearly see the snacks in her backpack.

"Does Yuanyuan want to eat?" The girl was about to get it when the atmosphere around her suddenly changed.

"Cough!" Yu Jinxiao coughed without warning.

Not only the girl, but even Xiao Zai Zai felt cold.

The weather is so hot that it should be sweating profusely, but where could the chill come from for no reason?

can only be……

Yu Yuanyuan shrank her neck and forced herself to shake her head: "No need, thank you sister."

He Chen led the three girls to have a brief tour of the set, and when it was lunch time, he went to talk to the chef himself and brought them a boxed lunch.

Xiao Zai Zai, who finally came back, immediately went to say hello to the chef.

"Susu, Yuanyuan is coming!" The small figure was completely blocked by the height of the table.

The uncle chef thought he was hallucinating, and looked at the window, but he didn't see Yuanyuan at all.

Did he want Yuanyuan to come up with auditory hallucinations?

Seeing that the chef Susu didn't speak, Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to put her feet up and poked her head out of the high table: "Susu!"

"Yuanyuan is here! I just said that I heard Yuanyuan's voice, and I'm still surprised!" The chef uncle smiled and habitually chose a lunch box for Yu Yuanyuan, "Has Yuanyuan eaten yet?"

"There's still nothing~ Yuanyuan and Baba haven't eaten yet!"

"Okay!" The chef uncle understood in seconds.

Just as Yu Jinxiao was about to say that he didn't need it, the window handed out four boxed lunches and two bowls of soup that had already been packed in his pockets.

Two of them were full, and at first glance they looked like little treats for Yu Yuanyuan.

The remaining two boxes should be for Yu Jinxiao, and they contained more than those for other people.

Yu Yuanyuan scrambled to carry the bag by herself, but the chef uncle crawled on her and couldn't lift it, so at first he insisted on helping her take it to a resting place to eat.

But Xiao Zai Zai Gua Gua claimed that he could do it, and the uncle chef didn't want to dampen the enthusiasm of the child, so he could only give her the pocket.

Unexpectedly, the little cub picked it up and ran for two steps, then threw the bag on the ground again, groaning and panting.

Tired... tired to wash the cubs!
(End of this chapter)

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